Welcome to my third report as Aedile of House Exar Kun. This past week has been very busy with transfers and the feud ending, so let's waste no time in getting into the thick of things. I tried to wait until feud awards were processed before releasing this report, but it doesn't seem that will happen for a few more days. Also, Virulence is currently working on getting some new graphics for my reports, so hopefully next week will be more spiced up. Thus, here I am, ready to serve.
~ Numerous Dark Council members have recently started blogs to tell you what is happening in the secret rooms we are not allowed to enter. The big ones are the Herald's Blog, Great Jedi War Blog, Deputy Grand Master's Blog, and the Headmaster's Blog
~ The Clan Fued has been going on for the past two weeks, and was suppose to continue for another week, but due to time restraints, Korras had to end it early. Clan Plagueis came in third place, but we were very close to second. In the end, it was the fiction and graphic events that decided the winners, but it seems that Plagueis had the best win/loss record out of all the clans, so for that we can be very proud of ourselves. Awards are currently being processed, but there's a lot of them so be patient.
~ A Pre-GJW competition will start on Monday that will get everyone warmed up for the gaming section of the months-long event. Since gaming is the biggest part of any GJW, it's common sense that everyone in the house who can game participates. Those that can't game, though, have no need to worry since fictions/graphics/run-ons and more will also be held. This warm-up event will last through a good part of June, and covers every platform the DB will use in the GJW. Games are split up into weeklong categories, though, so make sure you play the right game at the right time. Details can be found here
~ The Tal Invite is also still going, and it looks like Plagueis has a very good chance at winning some nice awards. We have all ready won first place for both XWA and XvT, so everyone stop by the hangar for a look at our new squadrons of TIE/D's. JA and JO Sabers are pretty much ours as well with Venq playing, and I am in the semi-finals of JA Guns. All I ask is that you wish us all good luck as we go off to fight for Plagueis!
This next piece of news is very important, so read it very carefully
~ Recently, Scorps and I put into effect monthly awards for SA and CF winners/passers. Well, someone suddenly reminded me that the clan summit does the same thing, and that the two events would collide with each other. Now, I'm sure no one minds getting two awards, but it's not fair, so as of now the Scholar of the Month award is vetoed. Warrior of the Month will continue since the clan summit doesn't award that, but Scholar no longer exists. Do not worry, however, because the house summit is looking into initiating monthly activity awards that are much broader. Just be patient, and I'm sorry to those of you that were passing many SA courses, but maybe you'll win at clan level.
~ Not noted here is the transfer we had into Exar Kun. Doku, who came back from Naga Sadow to be with those he loves, is once again in Exar Kun. If you see him be sure to welcome him back and buy him a drink on me... nothing expensive though....
~ The Novas for the feud have been given out; I personally won a Silver and Gold Nova, and congratz to Vas and Scorps for their winnings. No word yet on CFs, but from what I've been told Korras hasn't put them in yet. Special congratz go out to Virulence and Darkcin who have completed tons of Shadow Academy courses these past two weeks.
Scorpius: (E)Crescent x1 - (A)Crescent x1 - (S)Nova x1
Lucien: DC x1
Schisca: DC x1
Ashura: (T)Crescent x1 - (Q)Crescent x1
Vasily: StA x1 - (B)Nova x1
Orzon: (T)Crescent x1
Shadow Academy
Virulence: Krath Grammar course passed - Photoshop Shop course passed - Krath CORE passed - Krath Run-on course passed
Darkcin: Conflict Mediation course passed - Sith Alchemy course passed - Sith CORE passed - Leadership Applications course passed - Sith ESET course passed - Sith ISET course passed
~ I'm not going to write all of my projects down here anymore, and the reason for that is that an entire page has been created on the house website that lists our projects. Now, I'm hoping most of you can find that page on your own, but here it is for the rest of you. Also, if anyone has a project that is house or clan related, and they'd like it to be added on this page, just email Vir or me and we'll get it up here.
~ When Braecen was QUA he put into effect guidelines for which you would earn merit awards. It involved you doing things in the ACC, SA, and GMRG in order to earn some merits. Well, I really like the idea, so I've decided to put it into effect again. Now, some of these like the SA one are very easy, but take a little time. There are at least thirty SA courses out there, and soon to be more, so at all costs that challenge should be the most popular one. Already four or five people have won an award because of these, so that just goes to show that I'm not kidding.
Shadow Academy: 25 Course Passed - Star of Antei
Antei Combat Centre: 10 Wins (or 20 matches) - Dark Cross; 20 wins (or 40 matches) - Star of Antei; 30 wins (or 50 matches) - Steel Cross; 40 wins (80 matches) - Grand Cross
Grand Master's Royal Guard: Sentinel 1 - Dark Cross; Sentinel 4 - Star of Antei; Guardsman 1 - Steel Cross; Guardsman 4 - Grand Cross of the Dark Side
~ As always, there really isn't that many competitions that are on right now. The main reason for this is the recent feud and upcoming GJW, but I'm thinking about getting out a very small trivia competition for the house to do just to keep you busy. I'd like some feedback on this idea as well, if you like it or don't like it and all that other stuff. The main thing you people should worry about is activity in the DB events, like the GJW. In addition, my activity challenges should be helpful in giving you something to do as well. _If you every feel like joining the GMRG, just talk to me and I'll look into putting you in _
We also have a house competition that will be running for the next six days. It is a simple poem that shouldn't take but ten minutes to write. Due to this, Scorps and I except at least ten of you to submit to it, and please do submit. We'd really like to advance from the activity we got from Scorps' fiction, which received a total of zero submissions. The name of the competition is Glory of Kun and can be found by clinking the link.
That's my report for these past two weeks, and yes, I know they are getting shorter. The reason for this, though, is that I'm emailing the house updates about twice a week, so my reports are more or less a summary of those emails. As always, if you have any questions just ask a summit member, since that's what we're here for.
Dupar Out.
SW Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor (Sith)/AED/Exar Kun of Plagueis
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