Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Ask and ye shall receive, that’s right report time. It’s good to be back doing some work but don’t expect too much from me, I’m still the same lazy guy as last time :P

DB Wide

The Tal invitational is going well so far. We managed to take second place in X-wing vs. TIE Fighter bracket gaining us a squad of TIE Hunters. Both Ben and Duga are in the semi-finals for JO guns and Ben is also in the semi-finals for JA guns. Good luck guys, go out and pwn!!

Smoke is hosting a mini-tournament for the gaming nights that will last until June 6th. During the four weeks that it’s going on there are specials going on for each week. Week 1 is XWA/XvT/Alleg and you get double CFs for XWA and XvT and triple CFs for Alleg. Week 2 is an ACCLive specials worth double CFs. Week 3 involves JA/JO/RC sadly this only gets normal CFs  Finishing it up in week 4 is BF2, EaW, and SWGB where you get triple CFs for EaW and double for BF2/SWGB.

Clan with the highest Point total gets:

1st place: AT-AA, AT-TE(x2), and an AT-AT(x2)

2nd place: AT-AA, and AT-ST(x2)

3rd place: AT-AT(x2)

Khobai is hosting a competition where you fill in the blanks of a transmission involving jac, some ninjas, goat, and dinosaurs. Dead line for this comp is May 31st so if you’re doing this comp be sure to email [Log in to view e-mail addresses].

Tal Wise

Well as you all know we won the Feud and our new sexy Frigate Suppressor has been added to our fleet. We took eight of the eleven events way to go guys! The efforts that you put in really went a long way in ensuring victory for us.

Well with the feud over and the Great Jedi War about two weeks away or so I’m thinking that the summit may run a comp or not. I know some relaxation time is warranted but I want to keep you guys interested and not get bored out of your minds waiting. I’ll be talking to Fresh and see what he would think would be appropriate.

As some of you have noticed I sent out an email asking if you’re still alive and all. I’m going to try to do some more personal leadership in our house. I’d like to know what kinds of comps people will participate in so that in the future I can either make comps like that or if I see a DB wide event that fits your fancy I can shoot you an email letting you know about it.

Duga will be releasing a CON report sometime in the next few days so be sure to look for that. Also I’d like to welcome our new members Trivium, Ultimas, and Shadow Jedi! If you guys ever need anything just ask us in the house summit, we’re here to help you.

Oh and as for my Ye Old English comp, I know a lot of you forgot about it but technically it's still running. If I get a big enough outcry for it I'll start it up again :P

Kraval Novir


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