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23 May 2006 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>It's been quite some time since the last report, but I figure if I can't use the reporting stuff on the site, I might as well make your trip to the MB worth it. At any rate, a lot has gone on in the ACC since the last report; We've had some mechanical changes, some staff changes, some policy adjustments and some new stuff cooking in the background - it's been fairly exciting - though only from my point of view, I suspect.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
Most of this stuff is no longer "new" but it may be to some who haven't been looking around. Nevertheless, here's the 'majority' list and some of it will be covered - a bit more in depth - in a little bit:
Dual Handedness and (2) skills added to the ACC
Updated the Sabre Guide
"The ACC In Five Key Steps" added to the compendium
Species list re-formatted
Force Power Section reformatted
Venue Guide consolidated
New site layout completed
FP System added to compendium
Split-Point policy rescinded
Lightsabre skill section added to the CS's
ACC NPC Creature Manual and CS's developed
Clan Force Power pages begun for (hopefully) incorporation into the ACC
Hall consolidation accomplished
Deathposts hidden from opponent, accomplished
LoA tag for Trainers accomplished
SA Course Updated
Parent/Child Hall structure completed
Event and Competition Guide, GM approved and added to compendium
Part 1 of the staff handbook made public
Operational Information chapter uploaded (now called Engagement Formats and Battle Options)
Compendium released in final format (yay!)
Clan Halls created
ACCLive! February Mayhem Completed (Drodik, Menace and Shikyo)
2nd Championship Ladder Completed (Muz)
Sadow Dueling Competition Completed (Shikyo, Macron and Nekura)
Taldryan/Arcona Feud completed
ACC Creature CS's being created so combatants can fight creatures in the ACC
Clan Powers incorporation into the ACC
Next CHL's and PCHL's being planned/developed (will prolly wait till after the GJW)
Arcona Ladder
The ACC's Bar Room Brawl is still going
</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <marquee width="877" style="color: #FF6600">Go Play ACC Live! Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday Tourney in #acc. Go Play!</marquee></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
Dual Handedness: The Dual Handedness skills only apply to lightsabres in ONE instance: Dual Handedness 2 = the ability to wield dual weapons of different types. This would apply to such instances as; a lightsabre and a dagger, lightsabre and blaster, lightsabre and sword etc. Dual Lightsabres (special blades, sabre staffs, etc.) are administered by the DB, ** NOT** the ACC!!! Your rank in the DB is what determines your style of sabre as far as the actual weapon is concerned. The actual SABRE FORM you use is determined by the points on your Character Sheet.
[FYI: The Character Sheet is a DB asset, not solely overseen or developed by the ACC. Yes, we have admin ability over them right now, but that is only because that's the most logical for the time being. We (the ACC staff) make suggestions for the CS - but we, in the end, DO NOT determine the points you have to allocate for anything - ESPECIALLY Lightsabre skills. We also DO NOT determine what sabres are available, what sabre skills are open at what ranks, what ranks determine ability/skill or any of that - that is all DB policy.]
<span style="color: orange;">2 Lightsabres:</span> Those who are able to wield dual sabres (not 1 lightsabre "and" something else) DO NOT need any of the Dual Handedness skills because they are granted the right based on their rank in the DB. HOWEVER; to effectively use two sabres at once - YOU MUST HAVE A LIGHTSABRE FORM THAT SUPPORTS THE ABILITY!!! (duh)
Scenario: If you are in a battle and use Jar'Kai Niman, which is a dual sabre form, with only 1 sabre - you'll suck and you should write accordingly. Equally, if you are weilding dual sabres and using Vapaad (for example) - you'll also suck, and should write accordingly. Judges will use your CS as a default, most of the time. If a dual weilding Dark Jedi loses a sabre in a battle and his usage was supported by Jar'Kai, for example, we will 'concede' that the Dark jedi reverts to Niman for the use of the single blade (unless they state Shii-Cho or Soresu or something). On the same note - Judges will also assume that dual wielding Dark Jedi - who have no dual-sabre-capable form - would potentially be less skilled with the weapons than their opponent, even if they outrank them. Despite what some may think - good writing is not just words, it's a believable story that is also well written. You may think that you wrote well, but if it's content is garbage - then it's just perfume on poo.
<span style="color: orange;">1 Lightsabre and...:</span> If your character uses 1 lightsabre and something else, like a dagger - at the same time, then they MUST have the Dual Handedness 2 skill. The right to wield dual sabres does not grant the skill to dual hand other weapons. Skill in weaponry is not universal - the skill needed for a sword is not the same as that of a dagger. Equally, the skills needed for a lightsabre are often in direct contrast to 'other' weaponry. Yes, some of the basics are the same, but not universal as far as proficiency is concerned.
The DB has come a long way in their sabre policy and the ACC has tagged along with it - but no one is willing to give up the "skill" needed for the weapon. In a lot of cases rank has been abolished - which is a good thing - as it leaves us to focus on skill, regardless of rank. No one comes out of the womb as a weapon master - just like no "character" in this club (or the ACC, for that matter) will be divine the day they sign up - the same can be said in the ACC. Your character is what you have the points to define, and those points determine your skill - y'gotta work for it.
**Clan Training/Clan Hall: **A great recent addition to the ACC are the Clan Halls, one for each Clan and a Feud Hall. The latter is fairly obvious with the Feud hall being for Clan feuds - just a nice way of keeping all the battles in one spot. The Clan halls themselves serve a multi-purpose agenda from Training to competitions. These halls are basically at the whim of the Clans via the CM. In the past, Clans needed to jump through some hoops to get competitions in the ACC - not so much anymore. Clans can have their comps without even having them "approved", as it were, by the staff. However, some Clans may wish to have comps segregated within their Hall - that's as simple as requesting the creation of a sub-hall within their Clan's hall that maybe shares the same name as the comp. It sounds a lot more complicated than it is - but basically, each Clan's Hall is their own hall. Battles can just be fought in the Clan Hall, straight up or a hall can be created (within the Clan Hall) to accommodate competitions. Equally, halls can be set up for Training or thrown into the main body of the Clan's Hall. Anyone can train - but the ACC makes no concessions for "what" is trained - that is, no matter how spot-on Clan training may be, the ACC takes no responsibility for it. So, if you train - make sure it's with someone who actually knows what they're doing :) INI's may train there as well, but they don't have the option of challenging in a Clan Hall out-right. Instead, the request simply needs to be made to the CM/DCM to have the battle started manually - just so we can keep an eye on who is training. Keep in mind, if you are a combatant with a wondrous 2/100 record - we prolly won't let you train anyone :)
Finally, as far as competitions are concerned: The staff will rate and monitor battles for you - provided they are 100% standard. Meaning; as long as they follow any of the laid out criteria, we'll handle them for you if you wish. However, if you stray from the standard set ups - then they become your business alone - unless something can be worked out between you, me and the DCM. This is to prevent any 'inconsistencies' between what you want and what the staff's "normal" job is - unfortunately, I won't let the staff play 'scapegoat' if your comp doesn't end up the way you wanted it to.
ACC Creature Stuff: I've been working on this for a while and recently recruited some help in Telona. Her and I have been working on the creature's character sheets since I finished the Creature manual - so, WTF are these for, anyway? For you to fight against, duh :P The Creatures can all be administered by the staff - anonymously - meaning all staff has access to all the creatures. when you challenge on, you don't actually know (unless they tell you) who is writing as the creature. First of all, that's cool because it takes the opponent factor out of the equation; that is, there's no getting spooked about who you're writing against. Second, it allows you to fight the creature since they have their own CS's instead of just writing "about" a creature in a battle.
Will these be judged with win/loss? Yes. The battles will be handled the same way as far as judging is concerned - there will be a winner and a loser. The creature can win and you could lose or vice versa - these are not "gimme" battles. In the future we are considering the creation of a Creature Handler job on the staff (once the practice has been tested and tweaks have been made) - one major requirement being writing skill. In a lot of cases, fighting a creature will be harder than fighting an opponent. Test battles have been started, so we'll see where we go from there.
**The Compendium: **Yep - it's done, again :P Seriously. The first thing I did as CM over a year ago was take the compendium and break it apart. Sifted through what was garbage, removed junk that served no purpose and pressed on (seemingly to add more stuff that ended up being garbage and was, thusly, removed - LOL). Over the course of time between then and now, I have gotten everything where it needs to be - sure, some stuff didn't fly so it was removed, you guys didn't like some of my other ideas so we scrapped those too - but, inevitably, we arrived at a pretty well rounded series of documents. Now they're done. With the exception of some lingering things, like the creature stuff that's still in testing and the Clan powers - which are way above my pay grade, all that's left is upkeep (baring any major DB changes that we all must roll with - i.e. like a pending Force Power adjustment). </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Other Stuff Activity in the ACC seems to be at the pinnacle of Brotherhood activity - playing second only to the most popular games. That does two things; 1) It gives us a lot of work and 2) It gives us a lot of work. Our turn around times for battles, judgments and the like are pretty good from my perspective - but we do have the occasional 'lag times' that effect us all. Needless to say, the staff is weary from time to time - and who can blame them? I support them as much as I can, and I'd ask that you do the same. Hire more staff!! I hear that a lot - and my simple answer is "no". Not because I want the staff worked hard, but because so few are capable of working in the ACC. Ask any of the staff - fighting as a combatant is not even remotely the same as being a Judge or a Trainer. Just because you are a great combatant - according to your record - doesn't mean you're what the ACC needs on staff. Rest assured - I do hire - but I try to be very picky about who ends up here.
In the end, who is on that staff roster is directly related to how good of a time the members have here. Trust me, you don't want me hiring just anyone. So where are we? We're working now. A feud just ended, with only few hiccups, and the GJW is right around the corner - though I'm not sure what's going on in the ACC for that - it's above my pay grade :) The day to day ops are steady - not overly crazy, but not draggin either, on average. Training fluctuates; a bother one minute, slow as Jabba the next - but everyone is still employed. We have some time for ourselves these days as well, which is good for the Clan-members of the staff.
Which reminds me; though they are few in comparison to the rest of the club,
staff member's work in the ACC really should be looked at for activity, IMO.
Sure, it's not "Clan/House" related and I have had my run-ins with Clan leaders
that don't acknowledge staff activity for rewards/promotions - I think that's
bunk, but I won't ramble on about it. Suffice it to say, if you need a line or
two about your Clan/Staff member, I'd be happy to oblige.
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That's about it for now - I could go on, but I think I'll save
it for next time...
~DA Dalthid </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </table>
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