Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Baron Zarco's image was hidden and the tranmission was by voice only. Everyone who knew Zarco would recognize his voice but the lack of the usual holographic message and the fact that the feud had been resolved would leave the inquisitive listener to wonder where Zarco was and what he was doing.

"Greetings team members. The Selen Incident has been resolved and Taldryan is victorious. Those who participated have sharpened their claws for the Great Jedi War that is inevitable. At least three of our members are active and to be congratulated once again."

"Dark Jedi Knight Tiberius Serpentium received a Silver Nova for his poetry submission in the feud and a Bronze Nova for his ACC triumphs in the feud. These are major awards and a testament to Serpentium's splendid work."

"Protector Ricco continues to pass Shadow Academy courses. Since my last report a week or so ago, I have received word that he has successfully completed the Safe Computing Course and passed the Advanced Test of Wisdom."

"Protector Anik Koran continues his campaign in the ACC. He has several battles nearing completion. His participation is a credit to his phyle."

"As you will find when you visit the Selen Incident site to see just how much we won in the feud, you will see that Taldryan was awarded a capital ship. I will not tell you what type. Go see for yourself. I will, however, tell you what my recommendation will be if my opinion is to be heard for a name. I say the new cpaital ship should be named the 'Serpentium!'"

"Carry on."

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