Soulfire Battleteam Report #2
The only real news in the battleteam itself this week is the fact that Jeax is going on a LoA while he takes a break and sorts out his RL. Good Luck, hurry back and try not to miss us too much.
Our very own Selene has been made the EP of the MSN Shadow Academy Course, well done to her!
Monthly Topic!
So, with two weeks to go before the GJW starts, I'm sure all of you are looking for something to polish your skills. Smoke's Pre-GJW Warmup has been great for that, but I know there are a few fiction and poetry writers that must be looking for something to do. So, without further ado (and because we didn't have them last month), I present the June Monthly Topics!
Fiction Topic: A New Era
Poetry Topic: Beginnings
Graphics Topic: The Opening
The story submission should be no more than fifteen pages long. Poetry submissions are open format, but should be kept to a reasonable length - you can submit an epic if you really want to, but at some point I'm going to stop reading. :P Graphics should be no bigger than 800x600.
The MTs will run for the entire month (June 30), but I understand that we've got the GJW coming up in a couple of weeks, so I'm guessing all of you will want to submit before then. Second-level Crescents will go to the top three in each category. (Thanks Kaek for telling me that my previous choice of awards was too low.) All submissions should be sent to dbfictiontribune [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject line "June MT Submission". Please include your ID line with your submission.
Best of luck to everyone, and I hope to see some great participation!
Smokes GJW warm-up comp has started and all the rules and stuff can be found at Everything youll need to know, you can find there. Good luck guys, if I didnt have exams, Id do this a lot (I may still do it, itll just be harder :P)
All other news in your sector can be found at
GJW warm-up comp all you need to know is there, so go have a look!
CF war competition - About half way, and its still winable by anyone. Go get those CFs!!!11one
Know your ACC stuff
Abyssal Tome
All Arcona Competitions can be found at
Krydr Ircor got a Steel Cross for his work over the past few weeks, excellent work!
Lucius Xerxes Entar got Cluster of Fire x13 for MP victories! Good Work!
Selene Romanae got Cluster of Fire x13 for Gaming, Well Done!
Dont think I missed anything here, let me know if I did. Well done all, a good haul for the week. Excellent work to winners in the Feud!
None this week, lets keep active and fill this part up :P
Extra Bits and Pieces
Exams nearly over, so my RL will be quieting down a lot soon, so this is always a good thing. Keep up the good work, and lets just have some fun.
Song of the Week
All The Rage Funeral For A Friend They were amazing live, and the song is frickin awesome. Go download it now.
Thanks guys, until next time
GRD Nadrin Jubolt (Krath)/SGT/Galeres of Arcona [ACC: CL:1]
(GN) / (BNB) / Cr-1A / CF-BlF
{SA: U:TL - G:IRC - G:MSN - G:AIC - S:TAC - G:TS - G:AS}
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