The time for a new report from your Quaestor has arrived. ;o)
I had been quite busy irl and I am hoping to send out a report more regular.
Now to something that I want to mention at the very beginning of this report. I had a small conversation with someone who once left this clan to transfer to a different clan. And he said that he misses us greatly and asked me in honesty to send regards to everyone here in this clan. So I do now. And one of his sentence was: "You guys where a trip in a good way".
And now I welcome all new members. We have gotten new apprentices, but also a lot of transfers from other clans and houses. I hope it is because of a good reputation. ;o)
Many of the members have integrated very well, others are still quiet. You are always welcome to ask any questions you have. Direct those to me ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses] ), Xayun ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) or Eldrad Sin ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Malisane ([Log in to view e-mail addresses] ) as my Aedile is currently gone for 1 week, so emailing him during that time will give you no answers.
I am very happy to see that the past feud between us and some other clans, had been won by us. Many wrote fictions, played games, did images. And in the event Pre-GJW Tournament, we made it to place 3. Congratulations to Wolvie and Xayun Erinos who placed among the first 3 places in the different category of games!
Soon a GJW will start. This means, we will have a lot of competitions going on, competing with the other clans of the DB! So people, get ready. We need a lot of participations in the ACC, writing section, people who game, do images, write poems... For those who wish for a more coordinate structure, you should get into a battle team.
House Ludo Kressh hast three:
So if you wish to get active, and love teamwork and arent yet in a team... email me and I can put you into one of those teams.
Oh and of course there will be cooll prizes for the winning clans. We get cool big ships and so on. This is what we already have:
From the last events we got also nice ships. One of those has to get a name: Take part in this discussion! :)
Here are a few competitions you can take part in:
Rai's Black Guard
Start Date: 6/12/2006
End Date: 6/24/2006
[CNS] - Submit articles, images for our Clan Newspaper!
Start Date: 6/10/2006
End Date: 6/24/2006
[CNS] - Design the Ludo Kressh Base
Start Date: 6/10/2006
End Date: 6/24/2006
June Monthly Topics
Start Date: 6/1/2006
End Date: 6/30/2006
Know Your ACC Stuff 2
Start Date: 6/4/2006
End Date: 6/14/2006
For those who are:
Apprentice, Novice, Acolyte, Protector, Guardian and Jedi Hunter... you can get a master. Unfortunately our Rollmaster who is also responsible for this, had resigned. Be patient. If a new rollmaster has been chosen, you can send an email to him to request a master.
Currently I have taken upon another student and one temporary student (as long as we have no rollmaster).
What is a master? Why should you have one? He / she will watch your progress more closely and help you with questions and your way to a promotion.
About activities and promotions:
Here is something for people to read, what you need to do for a promotion:
Just a small hint: A lot of Shadow Academy helps a lot with a promotion ;o)
Promotions and medals starting from the past month:
Legion got Novice
Adrian Auqaj got Novice
Ruluk is now a Protector
Amon Nihilus Judas got Protector
Ashia Kagan was promoted to Jedi Huntress
Eldrad Sin got Dark Jedi Knight
Xayun got Dark Jedi Knight
Malisane de Ath got Sith Warrior!
Wolvie "the jackal" got 44 Cluster of Fires
Xayun Erinos got 51 Cluster of Fires
Horus got 1 Cluster of Fire
Dessan got 1 Cluster of Fire
Macron got a Grand Cross
Acerbus got 2 Cluster of Fires
Not to forget about those Novas our Proconsul already mentioned in his report.
And now that's it for my report! And I hope you read this report to the end!!! :D
KAP Xia Long (Krath)/M:MAA-QUA/Ludo Kressh of Naga Sadow [ACC: CL:1]
SC-SoA / StA-LS / DC-KC / (SN) / Cr-3A-4S-1T / LSB / SI
{SA: U:TL - G:L - G:LF - G:HTML1 - G:AIC - G:SB - G:AL}
Krath Archpriestess Sildrin Sadow, Daughter of Sadow
Quaestor of House Ludo Kressh of Clan Naga Sadow
Xia Long, Apprentice of Shan Long
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