CNS PCON Report #10 - June 17th, 2006
Well, the Clan Feud has started, so that will be the focus of this Proconsul report. However, there are some items from before the Great Jedi War to discuss.
Total PCON Emails: 47
I will be employing the smiley system to determine how the clan is doing with submissions. It's basically designed so that :) is 20 submissions, :D is 30 submissions and ^_^ is 40 submissions. With the run-on, I don't really expect 40 people to submit, so the number of submissions to generate a :) is cut in half.
Poetry Event - 7 days remaining - 6 submissions - :X
Runon Week 1 - 16 submissions - :D
Great work on the run-on people. But remember to take your time. This run-on is supposed to last 2 months (2 MONTHS!), and if we do every plot twist in the first week, this thing will totally fizzle out a month from now. And don't forget to check with people online (Thorin and Rai in particular) to see if your post is moronic. Chatting online to see where the plot should be headed, to make sure that all of these individual parts are going to form a cohesive whole, is important.
As for the poetry. sigh I've been hearing talk on IRC about how people "don't do poetry." Well, I'd really like you guys to try. I hate doing poetry but I'm going to do one. I'm just assuming that since we have a week remaining, you guys are just waiting for inspiration. If you need me to hurt your feelings or piss you off so that you can be sad an angry and creative, I will try to hurt your feelings :P I mean, come on, it took Talon Jade 2 minutes to write a Haiku. If you don't know how that works, ask someone online. And something is better than nothing.
Duga was like, "Manesh, how's CNS doing with the poetry event."
I was like, "We don't have that many submissions."
Duga was like, "Yeah, neither do we. I'm going to have to yell at people."
As much as I like Duga, we cannot have Taldyran win yet another GJW. They're like the Yankees. Or apparently Brazil. My teacher last week was talking about how annoying it was to him that everyone was treating Brazil as the favorite in the World cup.
Oh, and by the way, I get an email everytime someone submits to the GJW. So, I'm taking names.
I did get an unusually high number of ACC match results in my email this week. That's great. I'm sure when the ACC event rolls by in the Great Jedi War, this clan will dominate. But poetry now!
Well, two more promotions went through. Both Revenant and Acerbus were promoted to Sith Warrior. I have a headache so I'm not going to go into detail as to why.
Morg has left the Clan, and has gone Rogue. And yet he still seems perfectly willing to talk about what he feels is wrong with the DB. That really annoys me.
This clan has received Ylith, Sorutobi, and Xaviar. We have had a lot of new transfers in this clan, so I want the newcomers to know what this clan is all about. I also want to remind CURRENT members of this clan what we're all about.
This is Clan Naga Sadow. We value honesty, kindness, and honor. This clan is a community more than any other Clan (although Morg would disagree), and we care about each other. We are, in general, lighthearted. As members of this clan, you'll be expected to uphold those values.
You know, this isn't Arcona, this isn't Tarentum, and this isn't Taldyran. This is Clan NAGA SADOW. We're anti-social in a nice way.
Someone got an Amethyst Crescent for 1st place in the ICTE last weekend. That someone would be ME! Oh yeah! I got 16 CFs, Lucius got 6 CFs, mmm Xhedias got 4 CFs, and Horus got 1 CF.
For the gaming days, I got 2 CFs. I guess nobody else in the Clan played, but that's okay.
By the way, I have 19 Amethyst Crescents. I'm trying to get my 20th, because that'd be cool, but JH Rasilveneira of Clan Scholae Palatinae is being so competitive and crap, and she's gonna take that glory away from me. Damn that woman. I mean, once I get my 20th Amethyst Crescent, I can go after Arania, who has the most Amethyst Crescents, with like 25. And once I have gotten my 26th crescent, it will be a glorious day. But Silver is trying to shatter my dreams :(
There has been a discussion on IRC today, and I wanted to discuss it. We've been accused of not feeling for certain members of the Clan. Like Will Smith said, "Parents just don't understand." Well, look, I think people realize that I'm not exactly lacking in empathy, but I cannot know all of your situations. I know some of you are messed up in the head, for various reasons, but we cannot bend over backwards to accomodate everybody. We're only human beings ourselves, and what you ask is impossible. All we can do is empathize to a certain degree. If it isn't obvious by how I talk on IRC, I have a bleeding heart.
But there are certain things that would reflect badly on the clan As I mentioned earlier, as a member of CNS you're expected to act with some maturity. I know that some of you are like 14, but some of you are 20 and are acting like you're 14. Maybe I'm just an old guy who's been in this club too long and I'm complaining about "kids these days." But you're asking an online club to sympathize with people for behavior that wouldn't be acceptable in the real world. I expect people to be civil. I expect people to realize that winning EVERY match isn't important.
As Proconsul I'm learning more about how I'm supposed to operate. I think I made a mistake earlier in the week by assuming something was okay, and telling someone it was okay, when in reality it wasn't okay. In that situation I trusted that person to make the right judgment, because I wasn't there, only to find myself wrong. That's a lesson I've learned.
We've had transfers into our clan who have DB-wide reputations that aren't stellar. I really really hope that (well, I hope that they're reading this) while in CNS they'll learn to be better members of the DB. Nothing would make me happier. Well, winning the GJW would make me happier.
But the same thing happened during the Clan Feud. You know, I was so obsessed with winning the thing, and certain things happened, and I realized that what's more important is the sense of community, honor, and dignity the members of this clan demonstrate on a daily basis. I would never want to lose that.
Well, now I'm just blabbing on. This Great Jedi War is just going to have me on the verge of a nervous breakdown, I tell you.
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