As promised: New Shadow Academy course


As promised: New Shadow Academy course

Thanks to the efforts of P:SCL JaM3z Lucius Entar, PHP Programming I is now up for your perusal. The course requires some basic HTML knowledge to understand but everyone who can do a very simple page can do this.

For those who don't know, PHP is a simple language that allows you to include dynamic elements into a webpage, making your site more interactive. This first PHP course explains basic elements of the language. Connecting to and using databases in a PHP-enabled site will be the subject of a second course.

Trivia tidbit: The DB site is encoded in ASP (which is just Microsoft's PHP-like language) - it could just as easily be a PHP site.. Once you know one of them, learning the other is very easy.

Big Props to JaM3z for making this course possible!

You've got a finger in very pie haven't you mate!!!

Well done, as with all your work I'm sure this course will of a high quality and be "fun" for all!!!!

I commend you JaM3z, we'd be 10 steps backwards if it wasn't for all your work the past few months. Thank you!

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