The first phase of uploads has been completed. Journeymen robes have been delivered to the Dark Brotherhood. Log into the site, and under Admin Options, there is a link called: Robe Construction Tool. Depending on your rank, there's robes available to you under that heading. As of this writing, the Journeyman robes are done, and equites and elders are in some degree of completion. Over the next few days I will finish those off.
Yes, if you are an Equite or higher, there's options that don't work just yet. Be patient. I'll be putting those robes on the server soon.<p>
Grand Masters, feel free to email me regarding your custom robes.<p>
Sabers!<p> Equite 3 ranks now have six different sets of Dual Lightsabers to choose from to facilitate their saber fighting style. Log in and use the Lightsabe Construction tool, and you'll see all the new available options.<p>
Massive thanks go out to the returning Seneschal Rax for coding this all in in superfast notice. <p>
In Darkness,
-> <-
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man-hug Great job, Muz. NEW ROBES FTW!
Muz, I officially declare these robes... PIMPTASTIC! Excellent job!
<3 new Sabers
<3 new Robes
<3 Muz
Shikyo, I must say that you are lying!
These robes are something else.
And they shall be called...
So, for the robes, I'm guessing that you can choose whatever Robe Order color you want? As in, you're not limited to the Order color of the Order you are part of?
How is it exactly that Muz is not an Elder yet????
These robes are really coming to be beyond awesomeness! I'm really looking forward to the completion of the tool so I can see them all. I think Jac will push you up to DA as soon as their finished or we might have to poke him. =P
*they're (gah, there goes my grammar... curse you all) =P