Good to be home again...


Good to be home again...

Cybey walked into the Dark Hall on Antei... He just felt great to be back from his little Leave of Absence. While he walked towards the Dark Council quarters, a bad feeling arose in him. The Seneschal started to walk faster towards his quarters. He opened the door of his quarters and sees JaM3z lying on his bed watching TV with some chips and beer and his quarters in a total mess.
JaM3z slowly looked towards Cybey.
“Hey CG” he said.
The Adept was about to explode and ran towards his closet to get some extra big and hard shoes and put them on. Then he lifted JaM3z up in the air, towards the door and kicked JaM3z out.
“This room better be tidy again in 1 hour, or else I’m going to put head in your ass!” CG shouted.
JaM3z ran out of the hallway and got some stuff to clean the room of his boss.
Cybey walked towards his bed and started to eat from the chips and drink from the beer that was still left there.

It was good to be home again…

JaM3z ran through the corridors to find some cleaning equipment... he hadn't expect CG to return so quickly... Good thing those two Twi'Leks just left...

Cybey walks around his room and notices something pink under the chair.
He walks towards it and uses the Force to get it away from the chair. He lifts it into the air and sees a pink G-string...
The seneschal contacted JaM3z through the Force.
"JaM3z, I found something and I think it's yours"

JaM3z turns red...

"It's not mine... I admit it... It's from one of those Twi'Leks..." :P

So that is where those Twi'leks went... but Cooch had brought four of them, where's the other two ?

I took those other 2 with me to Italy!
Duh! :-P

Mr. Seneschal type're "put[ting] head in ass"? I never knew the DC was that kinky with the help...


Well, that proves it. CG is a perv :P

Start, it took you THAT long to figure that out?!?!?! :-P

Of course not. I'm smarter than that. I just needed solid proof for my theory :P

You smart?!?!?!?

I don't really think so. Thinking that you have to repeat a year at school >=P

Nah... that's just because I'm damn lazy :P

You only say that because you don't know what else to say >=P

That's not true, JaM3z...
He IS lazy :-P
But that's not the reason that it happened >=P

Heyyyy, those Twi'leks were mine!

Nope... not your Twi'Leks Xiz...

I only hired them using your money... :P

This is starting to look like a MB thread... :P

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