Consul Report


Consul Report

CNS Consul Report #1 - July 22nd, 2006

This is going to be split into two parts. The GJW Update will come separately, since that is very important this weekend.

Total CON Emails: 142

  1. The Dream

I discussed this on IRC, but I'll talk about it here. In my dream, I am the CON of CNS, some asian teenager is the CON of Arcona (maybe Halc is an asian teenager, I dunno, I had been thinking last night about my best friend in high school, who was Korean and I had a crush on her), and Duga is the CON of Taldyran.

We're in some kind of standard two-story house and I enter the house with what seems to be a large police SWAT-type force. The house has a huge foyer and I tell the SWAT guys to stay in the foyer, while I go into the house myself, not knowing how many enemy forces are in the house.

The thing is, in my dream, it's not Star Wars. No lightsabers or blasters. Just bullets and 20th century technology. In my dream, my first objective is the Arcona CON, who happens to control the floor below me.

So I go down one level, and I encounter the Arcona CON, who seems to be represented by some Asian teenager.

I say something like, "You know how this works?"

She replies, "Yeah."

So then I load my gun, which is a pistol of some kind. She attempts to fire on me, but misses. I attempt to fire and miss initially, but my last bullet in the cartridge hits her in the shoulder. She goes back a bit, but in the end she's still standing, wounded.

I've run out of bullets in the cartridge and cannot find a replacement. Why I'd go into battle without extra ammo befuddles me, oh well. So, I start hitting her with a pillow, relaly aggressively.

This eventually gets her on the ground, and by then my gun has magically reloaded itself. So I shoot her the head, but that doesn't seem to kill her. So I shoot her in the head, in a different spot, and she dies.

I think, "Arcona has been defeated."

So now I have go over Duga and defeat Taldyran. Duga has control over the lowest level of the house, the basement I guess. As I approach the stairs, I see my brother watching TV nonchalantly. And I'm thinking, "What is he doing here?" In the end I ignore my brother, and I creep downstairs into "Duga's lair."

Now for some reason, Duga has a lot of armor and what appears to be a massive machine gun. I wonder what that could possibly represent, compared to my pistol. I'm thinking, "I'm not going to defeat this guy."

I tell Duga, "If I'm going down I hope to go down with dignity."

Duga says, "I understand."

Duga starts laying down a lot of bullets. Somehow I'm rolling around, doing acrobatics, managing not to get hit by his bullets.

I fire a few shots myself when I get the chance, but it's not doing anything to Duga's armor, and I'm desperately trying to figure how how I'm gonna defeat this guy. It's like the beginning of Lethal Weapon 4.

Unfortunately at that point I woke up.

  1. Introduction

I guess you guys already know who I am. I'm the nervous wreck they made your Consul. I'd like to go over the values which I find important in the DB, and which I think lack in some other clans, but that I want CNS to have.

I believe in community. That is of paramount importance to me. If the fabric of CNS is falling apart, if this clan splits into factions, if there is fractionalization, that makes me sad.

I've been told that some of you are not participating in the GJW because you're feeling ignored or unappreciated. You're wondering, "What's in it for you?" While that is nice and all, that is not my personal motiviation for this position. I genuinely want CNS to succeed.

I have a different work ethic than most people. I am not motivated by profit. I work for government :P I am motivated by a desire for a job well done and maybe some recognition of that. And by recognition, something like, "Manesh, you're doing a good job."

whenever I've gotten a medal in the DB, I've never really cared so much about the medal itself. I cared more about the recommendations that people put for my GCs or SCs or the SB. I like hearing people say nice things about me, and that means more to me than the actual Grand Cross or whatever.

I like being the nice guy who is approachable, but on the other hand people need to recognize that I'm the Consul and that I have authority. Actually, people should have figured this when I was Proconsul.

Another thing, I do not believe in large titles. I know CNS practically invented the idea of adding flamboyantly large titles to people's names, but I do not subscribe to that. I do not care about rank or awards, and in many cases I don't think I deserve them (especially if CNS doesn't hold its 2nd place standing). I believe in simplicity. I do not have a warbanner nor a custom saber for that reason.

Before I became Proconsul I think I established that you don't have to have a position or a title to be a leader in this clan, because true power comes from within. So, keep that in mind.

  1. GJW Update

*This will be in a separate email

  1. Proconsul

I am having an incredibly hard decision picking a new Proconsul. It's basically down to two people at this point. You will have a decision soon though.

  1. HMR Assistant Envoy position open

We lost Callus to real life sigh so the HMR Assistant Envoy position is open.

Send them to me and Xayun. I already sent an email on this.

  1. Medals

Ylith got a Dark Cross for not being the crazy dude we thought we had inherited from Clan Arcona.

Korras got ED. Err, he got an Emerald Dagger, a very nice award I mut say. More about that later.

  1. Promotions

Ashia Kagan was promoted to Dark Jedi Knight! Yay!

Siyavash was promoted to Krath Priestess! Hooray!

Mifune was promoted to Sith Warrior! Whoopee!

Obviously these have been mentioned already during the week, but I'll briefly mention them in my reports.

  1. About Korras

I just wanted to say that it was an honor serving under Korras while he was CON. He did a lot of thinks for you guys that I think you're not aware of, and that's a shame. He really stands up for the average member, and that's what CNS is all about.

  1. Conclusion

Well, I'm in the big chair. If you told me six years ago that one day I'd actually be Consul of this clan, I dunno, I probably wouldn't have believed it. Remarkably the first 5 days have been unremarkable. I mean, nothing bad has happened yet :P

I just want to remind everybody that we are all human beings, and we should treat each other decently. This is no place for huge egos. At this point, in the DB, there isn't anybody in the clan I dislike.

I am happy to lead the best clan in the DB, even if the GJW results don't reflect that.


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