Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Well, hello again for yet another week of me being BTL. There is acouple of things to go over and tell everyone about, so enough of this non-sense and lets get to the actual report, shall we? >:P


Tolter has passed three different courses withing a week or two. He has passed the IRC Operators Exam, the Pre-Republic History Exam, and the new Marksman Exam. Great Work, Tolter. Keep it up!!!


If you have Jedi Academy or Jedi Outcast, sign up for the new Ladder match things. Rannik got Battlefront II. Battlefront II extention thing coming in January 31 of next year, said Dax....

Well, this has been a hecktic week for me, thats why this Report is two days late... If i forgot anything, pls send me an e-mail or catch me on mIRC...

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