Custom Robes:
A quick note on custom and semi-custom robes.
In order to qualify for custom or semi-custom robes, you must be a current Dark Councilor (Consuls included), Tribune, or Society Leader. You also may request custom robes if you are of the rank of Grand Master or Dark Prophet. <p>
Further, if you're none of these things, you do not qualify for custom robes. And the next n00bcake who emails me a long diatribe about how I need to devote my every waking breath to making spiffy robes for every Protector and up in the brotherhood will recieve a bill for two hours of my time (around $150), because that's how long a robe takes to do.
Yeah. On average, a robe-set from scratch takes about that long. Multiply that out by the 2600 or so members of the brotherhood, and there's not enough time in several years, provided I don't sleep, eat, work, or do anything else besides grind at the computer. Sorry, but that's not going to happen. And no, it's not my job. And to that one particularly obnoxious PRT... Keep it up, and you'll be wearing pretty pink princess robes forever.<p> Anyway, lots of people (who do qualify) have asked me what exactly defines custom, semi- and the like. There's no hard and fast rules for it, really. At this point, just send me an email or catch me at the weird times I'm actually on IRC and we'll chat about it. If it's too 'custom', it's not an issue...I might do it anyway, and add less ornate order variants to the robes construction tool for everyone. That way, everyone wins. Just drop me a line, and we'll sort it out.<p>
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Custom Sabers Delivered!
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Shadows have fallen across Antei, across Sepros, across Yridia and Kr'tal. The violence that has so often divided us against our own strength and weakened us has once again drawn us in, chasing the demons from the corners of our eyes.
There are deceptions upon deceptions, accusations, treacheries, and deviousness soaking through our robes with the blood we have spilled. And there are those that make a stand, fighting for what they believe in, and those who fear the choice...and hide behind potential.
Kaiann, your slight has not been forgotten.<p>
In Darkness,
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For those of you awaiting a Warbanner don't worry we haven't forgotten. The work load has just exploded recently so be patient and you'll get yours. Also please, please, please try not to change yours every week or so, it takes time to tweak the graphics people submit so they look halfway decent on the WB's and if I have to spend time doing and redoing the same ones I'll never get out any new WB's. Thank You.