Consul Report


Consul Report

CON Report 28th July 2006

It's been a while since I wrote one of these and for that I apologise. Things have been hectic life wise and to a lesser extent DB wise. My class' exam results came through last week so you can imagine the jovial atmosphere that's been dragging me in recently this going hand in hand with working extra shifts means I don't have much time for DB stuff and I'm just knackered when I get home to do anything admin like.

Anyway, onto DB stuff!

The GJW is still ongoing so plenty of opportunities for medals. Speaking of which I'm reccing the medals for participation up to the half way mark of this series of events today (basically everything you guys have done up till mid-July) so hopefully they'll be passed and you'll get your rewards. If you want in on the rewards you know what you have to do.

Tarentum's Master/Apprentice program is now in the capable of hands of our Proconsul Telona. If you have a request to either be a Master or an Apprentice then send your emails to her, she'll sort it out for you.

Other stuff, Gladius's QUA, Frosty, is back from a sudden LoA so welcome back to him. Expect plenty of comps and emails from his office from now on!

Congratulations also go out to TT who has recently been appointed to the office of P:GM. Congrats TT :)

This report also draws to an end and I'll part with the usual words. Go post in the run on, go do other stuff for the GJW and do drop by to the IRC channel so you can get talking.

Thanks for reading.


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