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:: Clan Plagueis PCON Report :: </td>
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<font size="5">Clan Plagueis PCON Report #<!-- #BeginEditable "repno" -->18<!-- #EndEditable --></font>
<!-- #BeginEditable "date" -->30 July<!-- #EndEditable -->, 2006
<td style="background-color: black; border-bottom: 1px solid darkred; border-top: 1px solid darkred; height: 16px; line-height: 12px;" align="center">
:: **From PCON/SBL Salth Khan** :: </td>
<td style="background-color: gray; padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;">
<!-- #BeginEditable "news" -->
**If you see anything missing, let me know.**
I was told to make this a funny report. FUNNY?!? ME?!? I'm the evil guy, the one everyone expects to erupt and bark orders, sending waves of Force energy after them as they run for their lives. But then it hit me, that's kinda funny too. So... (ignites his shark-shaped lightsaber), who's up for a hunt? ;)
Man it's been chaos lately. There's a ton of stuff going on at my real life job, and then when I finally get a break from that to check my email, I find that our Satal Keto Quaestor has resigned due to his real life work commitments and what-not. You know, they say that things like a Great Jedi War can really stress people to their maximum, but I think real life does it even more for our Dark Jedi. So I say DOWN with real life! Join me in boycotting real life and lets just live in this fantasy world forever! Who's with me?!?
Ok, so I have to work on Monday, and the plan was for me to be off work through this coming Saturday. So far that's holding, but last night I was informed that my last living Great Aunt, the last sister of my Grandmother's family, passed away after a lengthy illness. So Tuesday I will be out- of-pocket for most of the day to attend her funeral. But once I return I plan to plunge headlong back into the RO and get some other stuff done that I've put on the back burner for some weeks now. No matter what though, this PCON is back in action and plans to stay that way! :)
Lots of activity continues to flood in for the GJW. You guys are obviously slamming the activity. So why are we still ranking so low in the overall scoring? Beats me. But while there are areas where we can improve as a Clan, I can honestly say that nearly everyone has done a great job, and all while battling that demon we call "real life". Keep plugging away at that activity guys, in the end it really doesn't matter how we finish, only that we finish in STYLE!!! ;)
Congrats to the newly appointed Satal Keto Quaestor, Prelate Silent! Belated congrats as well to my old friend Battlemaster Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar (man you need a shorter name now :P) al'Tor on his rise as Quaestor of Exar Kun! Equal congrats to DJK Raken and SW BubbaX on your recent appointments as Aedile of your respective Houses! Ok, so here's the deal. No one resigns for at least three months? OK?!? :P
Ok, there's a LOT of major awards and other stuff to cover, so without further delay, lets move on to the REALLY lengthy part of my reports. :P
<font color="darkred">****</font>
Medal Awards
Amethyst Kukri
SWL Vessicant
Sapphire Blade
KP Valerian Orzon
Grand Cross of the Dark Side
JH Jaysen Erdon
KP Scorpius
Steel Cross
DJK Raken
KP Scorpius
SW Vasily 'Paulikus' Zaitsev
Star of Antei
OP Silent
JH Jaysen Erdon
Dark Cross
PRT Arcadian
PRT Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius
PRT Achilles Theophilus Timotheus
GRD Koga Kage
DJK Ky Terrak
JH Julius 'Tolter' Caesar
GRD Silas
KP Virulence Bezatyne Isradia
DJK Raken
SW BubbaX
DJK Raken - Crescent with Emerald Star (E) x4
DJK Raken - Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) x2
SBM Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
DJK Ky Terrak - Crescent with Amethyst Star (A)
GRD Silas - Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) x2
PRT Kyra Starfire - Crescent with Sapphire Star (S)
KP Dante Armand "Sunflash" al'Tor - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
PRT Kyra Starfire - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
ACO Hawili - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
GRD Jagan Roda - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
SBM Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor - Crescent with Sapphire Star (S)
GRD Silas - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
PRT Arcadian - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
SW Tek Cicero Dantes - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
PRT Vexer - Crescent with Emerald Star (E)
SBM Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor (Sith) - Crescent with Quartz Star (Q)
SBM Daniel Stephens - Crescent with Topaz Star (T)
SWL Vessicant - Crescent with Amethyst Star (A)
PRT Kyra Starfire - Crescent with Sapphire Star (S)
KP Valerian Orzon - Crescent with Topaz Star (T)
GRD Silas - Crescent with Quartz Star (Q)
Legion of the Scholar
PRT Eton Jade
Battlemaster (SBM) Tek Cicero Dantes
Protector (PRT) Jaden Kyrath
Novice (NOV) Granack
Acolyte (ACO) niman master
Guardian (GRD) Kyra Starfire
Novice (NOV) Kaidoz
Guardian (GRD) Silas
Completed Courses
Dark Jedi Meditation Passed: Silas (Sith)
Conflict Mediation Passed: Kyra Starfire (Obelisk)
Conflict Mediation Passed: Silas (Sith)
Leadership Applications Passed: Jaysen Erdon (Sith)
Krath Grammar Studies Passed: Silas (Sith)
MSN Messenger Passed: Kyra Starfire (Obelisk)
Safe Computing Passed: Arcadian (Krath)
Alchemy Basics Passed: Jaysen Erdon (Sith)
IRC Basics Passed: Hawili (Obelisk)
IRC Basics Passed: Arcadian (Krath)
Sith Core Passed: Hawili (Obelisk)
MSN Messenger Passed: Hawili (Obelisk)
Dark Jedi Meditation Passed: Jaysen Erdon (Sith)
ACC Initiates Course Passed: Hawili (Obelisk)
Leadership Fundamentals Passed: Hawili (Obelisk)
Leadership Studies Passed: Jaysen Erdon (Sith)
Sith Core Passed: Kyra Starfire (Obelisk)
Test of Endurance Passed: Jaysen Erdon (Sith)
Obelisk Core Passed: Jaden Kyrath (Sith)
Leadership Studies Passed: Arcadian (Krath)
Krath Poetry Passed: Silas (Sith)
Test of Wisdom Passed: Kyra Starfire (Obelisk)
Test of Endurance Passed: Merenge (Obelisk)
IRC Basics Passed: Merenge (Obelisk)
Lightsaber Basics Passed: Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius (Sith)
Krath Poetry Passed: Senka Rakesh (Krath)
Lightsaber Basics Passed: Ethran Sayre Isradia (Krath)
Leadership Fundamentals Passed: Jaden Kyrath (Sith)
Lightsaber Basics Passed: Sakh nhem (Sith)
AOL Instant Messenger Passed: Ethran Sayre Isradia (Krath)
IRC Basics Passed: niman master (Obelisk)
ACC Initiates Course Passed: niman master (Obelisk)
HTML Basics Passed: Vasily 'Paulikus' Zaitsev (Sith)
Leadership Fundamentals Passed: Jaysen Erdon (Sith)
ACC Initiates Course Passed: Kaidoz (Sith)
ACC Initiates Course Passed: Arcus Wolfbane (Obelisk)
Test of Wisdom Passed: Jaden Kyrath (Sith)
IRC Channel Operator Studies Passed: Julius 'Tolter' Caesar (Krath)
Conflict Mediation Passed: Arcadian (Krath)
Sith Flight Studies II: ESET Passed: Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius (Sith)
Marksmanship Passed: Virulence Bezatyne Isradia (Krath)
Marksmanship Passed: Ky Terrak (Obelisk)
Marksmanship Passed: Raken (Sith)
Krath Advanced Poetry Passed: Jaysen Erdon (Sith)
Krath Poetry Passed: Jaysen Erdon (Sith)
Marksmanship Passed: Khan (Sith)
ACC Initiates Course Passed: Killer (Sith)
Marksmanship Passed: Vasily 'Paulikus' Zaitsev (Sith)
Marksmanship Passed: Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor (Sith)
Marksmanship Passed: Julius 'Tolter' Caesar (Krath)
Pre-Republic History Passed: Vasily 'Paulikus' Zaitsev (Sith)
Pre-Republic History Passed: Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor (Sith)
Pre-Republic History Passed: Julius 'Tolter' Caesar (Krath)
Pre-Republic History Passed: Silas (Sith)
Pre-Republic History Passed: Virulence Bezatyne Isradia (Krath)
Pre-Republic History Passed: Kal Vorrac (Krath)
Pre-Republic History Passed: Raken (Sith)
Marksmanship Passed: Kal Vorrac (Krath)
Marksmanship Passed: Silas (Sith)
Pre-Republic History Passed: Ethran Sayre Isradia (Krath)
Marksmanship Passed: Ethran Sayre Isradia (Krath)
Pre-Republic History Passed: Aristan "Sarin" Dantes (Sith)
Pre-Republic History Passed: Kyra Starfire (Obelisk)
Conflict Mediation Passed: niman master (Krath)
Pre-Republic History Passed: Bran Redmow (Krath)
Lightsaber Basics Passed: Dismal (Sith)
Pre-Republic History Passed: Salth Khan (Sith)
Alchemy Basics Passed: Salth Khan (Sith)
Alchemy Basics Passed: Dismal (Sith)
Name Changes
KP Orzon - Valerian Orzon
APP draped - frangeges
SBM Aabsdu Dupar al'Tor - Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor
DA Jonaleth Isradia - Jonaleth Isradia di Plagia
Email Address Changes
SW Vasily 'Paulikus' Zaitsev - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Order Changes
GRD Kyra Starfire (Obelisk) - Krath
PRT niman master (Obelisk) - Krath
Transfers In/Out
SW Rax Von-Klug - Rogue
GRD Sakh nhem - Rogue
DJK Rydack Isradia
GRD Jagan Roda - House Exar Kun
DJK Drax Remlinger - House Exar Kun
JH Kreth Drey - House Exar Kun
KAP Ethran Sayre Isradia - House Satal Keto
DA Khan - House Exar Kun
GRD Sakh nhem - House Exar Kun
APP Arcus Wolfbane - House Satal Keto
NOV Granack - House Satal Keto
APP Diller - House Exar Kun
APP draped - House Satal Keto
APP Dameon - House Satal Keto
APP Salo Saar - House Exar Kun
APP Lady Kiara - House Satal Keto
APP Daxus - House Satal Keto
APP Stevicus - House Satal Keto
APP Dismal - House Exar Kun
APP Dreek Bala - House Satal Keto
APP Galib Talon Cehd - House Satal Keto
DB-wide Competitions (All weekly scheduled Tournaments are on hold until further notice due to Feuds and the upcoming GJW)
"Sunday Tournament" (Every Sunday!)
"Tuesday Tournament" (Every Tuesday!)
"Thursday Tournament" (Every Thursday!)
"Inter-club Training Event" (Every Saturday!)
"Tal Invitational Tournament" - (Currently Running)
Internal Clan/House Competitions
The biggest competition of all is presently running, the Great Jedi War, so there will be a limited number of internal Clan and House competitions running during this time. You'll notice this is probably the shortest list of competitions I've ever posted. :P
Each month the Top 3 Clan members that obtain the most victories at the
ACC will be awarded a Crescent for their accomplishment. This will be an
evolving competition through the end of 2006, with Third Level Crescents
awarded monthly to the Top 3 Clan ACC Champions!
Start Date: 3/18/2006
End Date: 12/31/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
Third Level Crescents:
1st Place Crescent with Amethyst Star Cr-1A
2nd Place Crescent with Sapphire Star Cr-1S
3rd Place Crescent with Emerald Star Cr-1E
May the best ACC warriors win!!!
A monthly competition where we reward the three most active members of the
Clan for their efforts in continuing their training at the Shadow Academy.
The members who successfully complete the most courses will be awarded
Third Level Crescent awards.
Start Date: 3/5/2006
End Date: 12/31/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
1st Place - Crescent with Amethyst Star
2nd Place - Crescent with Sapphire Star
3rd Place - Crescent with Emerald Star
Plagueis Pronconsul will oversee the tracking and recording of all
completed courses each month, and will submit reward requests at the end
of each monthly period. Due to the late start date of this competition,
results will be back dated to 03/01/06 to ensure a full months record for
Every month, a list of twenty-five trivia questions will be released to
the clan. The first three to answer the most number of questions correctly
will be given fifth level crescents along with three, two, and one
point[s]. At the end of December, when the last three winners are chosen,
the three people with the overall most points will be given fourth level
crescents. This competition will run from August to December, and feature
a total of 125 questions and 18 crescents.
The questions range from Star Wars history, brotherhood history, and some
behind the scenes questions. Many of them, however, will require some
research to answer correctly. Due to this, I have provided a link that
should assist you in answering almost all of the questions.
Wookieepedia: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
I will send all the questions in an email to the clan at the beginning of
each month, as well as post them on the Plagueis website. If you have any
questions feel free to ask me. Good luck!
Start Date: 8/1/2006
End Date: 1/1/2007
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
Fifth and Fourth Level Crescents
Approved by CON
The House Summit is looking for Exar Kun's most talented warrior, so we
have started this search to find that person. Over the course of the Great
Jedi War, I will keep track of how many Cluster of Fires everyone earns.
Come the end of August, the person who received the most overall CFs for
the entire duration of the war will be awarded a fourth level crescent.
Two more crescents will be handed out to the second and third place
Also, there will probably be a delay in results since I'm sure CFs for the
whole war won't completely be handed out until a week or two after it
concludes. Due to this, I'm allowing this competition to run until the
third week of August, so you'll have some extra time to keep earning those
Start Date: 6/17/2006
End Date: 8/20/2006
Unit in Competition: House Exar Kun
Great Jedi War
Fourth Level Crescents
I'll keep track of everything, so all you have to do is GAME!
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:: **In Dark Service to the Brotherhood** :: </td>
<td style="background-color: gray; line-height: 13px; padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;" align="left">
<!-- #BeginEditable "idline" -->
I have an Open-Door policy, so people are welcome to see me at any time about anything. If its a House matter, I do ask that you take it up with the House Summit first, then if that doesn't resolve your problem, feel free bring it to my attention. If your problem is with the House Summit in general, and by that I mean both the QUA and AED, then by all means come to me immediately, as well as the Consul, and we'll help resolve the problem ASAP.
<font color="darkred">*Plagueis Proconsul Sith Battlelord Salth Khan *</font>
<font color="darkred">""Death is the only thing that separates us from our enemies... their death!""
::Life and Death through Darkness ::
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** :: Clan Plagueis :: **</td>
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