Hey yal. I'm sure some of you guys have noticed that I have become BTL of Exar's Shadow. Let me tell yal a little somethin about me. I was the second person to join this battleteam since it was started, I would have been in here from the beginning but my former master decided to change teams so I left with him.
Later on I found my way back to it but only to find it flourishing more than ever with active members and all that good stuff. What I plan to do with you lot will be revealed after the GJW and I hope to return this team to its former stature.....The report begins.
KP Scorpius GCx 1 w00t!! congrads.
Order Changes:
GRD Kyra Starfire Obelisk to Krath
Orders: Participate in the GJW and post at least once in the run-on. If you guys don't know where to find the information for it got to and you can figure it out from there.
A Galaphile's Moment
Galaphile sighed as he ate the rest of his tasty burger. The Plagueis Knight was traveling on the train towards Diadem Fortress where he would brief his battleteam on a mission they werer going to take. As the Falleens eyes started to close, a soft rumbling stirred in his stomach. Thats odd. He thought. He had just ate and wasn't feeling hungry at all.
He let the feeling pass with the Force, and began to fall asleep again, but the rumbling happened again, this time more stronger than before. He put his scaly hands on his stomach and tried to calm his stomach down with the Force but it was no use the rumbling began to come even harder. He got up and headed for the bathroom on the bottom floor.
Every step he took felt like a Rancor slapping him in the stomach. At last he maded to the bathroom, but when he tried to open the door he found it locked. He shook the handle as hard as he could until he heard a voice on the other end, "I'm in here, go away."
Galaphile began to panic, the temptation to let go was growing ever stronger. He reached to his sash for his lightsaberbut only to find it gone. He just remembered that he left it in his suit case. He tried the other one and but only to find out that it was taken as well. He then tried to reach through the Force and choke the person so that he would let him in, but couldn't concentrate.
Running out of ideas and time......he let it go.
Thats my first report, and I hoped you guys enjoyed it, but I want to see some more participation peeps.
Galaphile out<>
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