CNS Consul Report #3 - August 5th, 2006
First, I'd like to welcome all of the many non-CNSers who read my reports.
I've gotten about 10 PMs on IRC from people, basically saying, "How are you doing Manesh?" or "Are you okay Manesh?" So apparently most of the DB believes that Clan Naga Sadow is in a crisis situation. I think that's overblown. Honestly I think the one person who's been taking the brunt of it is me. Better I take it than the clan take it. Not to mention, now I can tell people that CNS got 2nd or 3rd in the GJW (unless we get 1st) because there was a civil war or something.
I mean, there's a Great Jedi War going on. Despite all of this hoopla, CNS is still in 2nd place. That's phenomenal. Actually, what it shows is that CNS's power doesn't come from one or two people. It comes from 30-40 people doing their small part to help. I really do draw my strength from you guys. It goes both ways though. If you aren't working for the betterment of the clan than you are working against its welfare.
I'm not going anywhere. I have been criticized by people for being weak. These people apparently believe that being strong requires being belligerent, which in my opinion is an awful point of view. In fact, I hate belligerence. Wow I hate it.
I stand by my decisions, no matter how hard some of you are trying to sow the seeds of doubt in me. I will continue writing introductions like these until I have made my point.
Total CON emails: 146
Time Remaining: 1 year, 1 month, 16 days <= Who wants to guess what this is?
Several members of Clan Naga Sadow were awarded medals by the Headmaster, Dark Adept Anshar Kahn, for their work in his office. Most notable of them all was Siyavash earning a Grand Cross (GC) for her work as KCB. Other notable awards include:
Steel Cross (SC) to Korras.
Steel Cross (SC) to Macron.
Star of Antei (StA) awarded to Mifune.
Star of Antei (StA) awarded to Lucius.
Dark Cross (DC) awarded to Ylith.
I'm glad this clan has a strong presence in the Shadow Academy.
In addition to this, Mifune was awarded another Star of Antei (StA) for helping Kaiann tabulate the scores for the ACC event in the Great Jedi War.
I've heard some concerns about the lack of mainstream medal giving by the clan, particulary for work during the Great Jedi War. Rest assured that we're waiting until the end of the GJW to reward people for it. That way there's no confusion, and people can get bigger medals.
I wasn't sure whether or not to mention it, since I already did an email announcement, but Rai is the QUA of HMR and Mifune is the AED of HMR. They are already hard at work.
I'm feeling better lately. I think things have stabilized a bit. We had a conclave earlier today and I missed it because my internet connection died on me. I say peh to that. However, from reading the log, things seemed remarkably civil.
After the GJW, everybody's going to be sick of long competitions, and I already have a great idea for what I'll be running after the GJW. They'll be light, easy, and fun (I hope). I honestly think it's the awesomest thing I've ever thought of.
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