Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Acclivis Draco,

Another day, another dollar - The Great Jedi War continues, our war effort continues and... with hope... we will continue to move up in the rankings and claim our rightful place atop the other Clans. This involves each of you stepping in, actively participating and sharing your knowledge, expertise and experience with those of lesser of the aforementioned. This is family, we share everything, hide nothing.

And here we go with the report...

Shadow Academy

The Shadow Academy is an essential part of the Brotherhood. It provides immediate activity and award/promotion opportunities for our newer members, places knowledge at the doorstep of our older members and is ... well ... ultimately cool. We have several Eclectic Pedagogues in this House, so if you ever have a question - hit them up! Alright now to action happening on that front!

Dogmaticus: Force Philosophy

Cuchulain: Training Saber Basics, ACC Initiates

Gavan: Pre-Republic History, ISET, Conflict Mediation, Marksmanship

Maximilian: Pre-Republic History, Conflict Mediation

Naga: Sith Core

Braecen: Marksmanship, Alchemy Basics

RevengeX: Force Philosophy

Congratulations to Sith Protector Gavan, for completing the most courses in the given week he is dubbed 'Scholar of the Week' - a title he proudly gets to hold until my next exciting report!

New Members

Each week we are blessed with either brand new members or transfers from Rogues/Clans/Houses. These members are the renewed lifeblood of the Clan - they help bolster our numbers and build activity, new ideas and cohesion. So give a hand to the following members that have recently joined HAD!

INCOMING! /me ducks

GRD Dogmaticus

OP Warhunter

Welcome folks!


The lifeblood of communication and building friendships, in my opinion, comes from the ability to 'chat' with people via AIM, MSN and, especially, IRC. IRC is the DB's main format of chatroom discussion - it allows for entire Clans to share thoughts, random jokes and commradery. I implore each of you to find your way onto IRC. Not only will you build lasting friendships, it will enable you to experience the Brotherhood in an all new light.

mIRC can be downloaded: http://www.mIRC.com

The server we utilize is: Undernet

The channel we can be found on: #scholae

Hope to see you there soon!

On the Horizon

Battle Teams, Battle Teams, Battle Teams! mwahahahaha The entire Clan Summit is beginning a process to revamp both Houses BTs. This will include who is leading them, the material each will have in the 'Lore' department, and their overall functionality. Keep your eyes and ears open - both houses will be accepting applications for BTLs, if you feel the spirit to support your Clan... APPLY TODAY!


Alright, so Brujah has resigned... Arania is stressed (rightfully so) and we have to come together as a House and Clan. There is no room for error here... if we hope to finish the GJW in 2nd or maintain 3rd, we do it together. So rally up folks, fly the proud banner of HAD!

As always, if you have questions/concerns/comments please e-mail me directly. You have my ear!

I am, your servant,

Braecen Kunar

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