Consul Report


Consul Report

ey there everyone

The GJW is coming to its last couple of weeks and Tar is currently in 5th place which out of 6 isn't all that impressive. Granted there have been issues with the events etc but I know you guys can pull of something special and get us the few hundred points needed to make a top 3 position, if we manage a top 3 I'll promise to give all of you who have participated an extra award so if you value a couple of extra merit awards in your ID line, get earning them.

Other important news recently is the recent promotion of one of our own to the ranks of Dark Jedi Master, namely Spears Tarentae former Headmaster and Consul of this Clan. I know you're all with me in offering congratulations to Spears on a most deserved promotion.

Other news, there's a new SA course for you guys to take should you wish, it's about Force Philosophy , I've had a look at the notes and stuff and if you're into the SA then that looks like a fun course to take. Also other activity related news, if you're bored and looking for something to do other then GJW stuff then there's a new set of Monthly Topics to be done ( ) so get your writing cap in gear and get submitting if you want something to do.

So to cap it off, once more. GJW still going go do something. If you want to take part in the Master/Apprentice program email Telona with your details and she'll sort you out.

Some useful links:



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