Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Well, House Dinaari, you guys are being led by, not one, but two Sith(i.e. you're prolly not gonna get a fancy sounding, well written report) And now...on with the "report".

Since this is my first report as Aedile I'll introduce myself. Hi :-p I'm Odium. Most of you Journeymen know me from my time as Envoy. Any of you 'old' people who know me, know me probably because of a random encounter or you've heard my name in one of the thousands of emails flying around the Brotherhood. So...yeah...I'm your new Aedile. w00t! Let the pwnage continue!

DB News(check the DB news page if you don't believe me):

-The Shadow Academy website has been reorganized in preparation for its coming make-over.(just in case you wanted to know)

-Duga wants feedback for the JA servers. Let everybody know your preferences(whether you care or not) here:

-If you haven't been eliminated in the JO/JA ladders yet get those matches in, or else Kaiann will eliminate you himself.....That means everybody. (/me kicks himself)

Tal news(same as DB news...only with

-Tal Times issue coming out the summit about possible submissions or stuff.

-Everyone push hard for these last weeks of the GJW. Taldryan has never been defeated(I know I know thats like the fourtyith time its been said, but its true) and I don't plan on starting to lose now....This is the home stretch now lets finish this!

Dinaari news:

-Kraval =new Quaestor


Odium = new Aedile


Fire-Knight = new Envoy/Rollmaster (Have fun all you journeymen!)

Wow...that was a lot longer than I thought it was gonna be. Aren't you glad its over?

Like I said...everybody keep pushing. We've almost won, but we can't afford to slack off now. Everybody do whatever you can to help the Clan!

For Taldryan!!!

Apollyon 'Odium' Dinaarius

Aedile of House Dinaari of Clan Taldryan

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