Heya, kidz. SGT Acerbus here, report numero seis.
Not much for me in the RL sector...just been busy as heck lately with all sorts of things. Still finding a bit of time for the GJW, though!
Speaking of which...if you guys can all pull together and kick collective ass...Clan Naga Sadow can win this thing! Shineys and promos will literally rain from the sky. Any contribution at all will not go unnoticed.
Here's an easy little event I want everyone to do: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/gjw/ShowEvents.asp?hdnPageAction=details&hdnEventID=34
If everyone in the Clan did that we could most likely win the Sixth Great Jedi War. Think about it - wait, no, don't think about it - just do it!
Now for the real news:
SA Courses:
Dessan passed AIM and ASP Programming. Way to go, codemonkey!
Adrian passed the new Pre-Republic History Course! Keep showin' off that knowledge, man!
Lucius netted himself a Star of Antei for his excellent work as an Eclectic Pedagog. Go Lucy!
Well, I guess that's all for this one, folks. Now go out there and win the Great Jedi War! Not only for your Squadron or your House...but the entire Clan! Glory to Naga Sadow!!!
-SGT Acerbus
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