Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


Another report for the active battleteam Exar's Shadow. Nothing hectic like the Aedile's job or the Quaestors this week except some very exceptional people who keep amazing me with their activeness and their creativty. Just look and see.....The report begins.


ACO Solarus



Shadow Academy Courses:

Pre-Republic History: Scorpius 97% great!!

ICQ Studies: Scorpius....he's heating up

Marksmanship: Scorpius 100%......gasps hes like a radiator man!!!

Sith Core: ACO Solarus 100% a tear drops appeares

IRC Basics: ACO Solarus 90%......I have to say it, that was grrrrrreat!!!


KP Scorpius StAx2 envies the Krath Priest

DJK Galaphile al'Tor DCx1 blushes

Order Changes:

DJK Galaphile al'Tor Sith to Obelisk


APP Solarus= ACO


Title: Plagueis Shadow Training

Requested By: SBL Salth Khan

Specifics: A monthly competition where we reward the three most active members of the Clan for their efforts in continuing their training at the Shadow Academy. The members who successfully complete the most courses will be awarded Third Level Crescent awards.

Start Date: 3/5/2006

End Date: 12/31/2006

Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis

Platforms: None

Awards: 1st Place - Crescent with Amethyst Star

2nd Place - Crescent with Sapphire Star

3rd Place - Crescent with Emerald Star

Comments: Plagueis Pronconsul will oversee the tracking and recording of all completed courses each month, and will submit reward requests at the end of each monthly period. Due to the late start date of this competition, results will be back dated to 03/01/06 to ensure a full months record for March.

Title: Plagueis Monthly ACC Duel

Requested By: SBL Salth Khan

Specifics: Each month the Top 3 Clan members that obtain the most victories at the ACC will be awarded a Crescent for their accomplishment. This will be an evolving competition through the end of 2006, with Third Level Crescents awarded monthly to the Top 3 Clan ACC Champions!

Start Date: 3/18/2006

End Date: 12/31/2006

Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis

Platforms: ACC

Awards: Third Level Crescents:

1st Place Crescent with Amethyst Star Cr-1A

2nd Place Crescent with Sapphire Star Cr-1S

3rd Place Crescent with Emerald Star Cr-1E

Comments: May the best ACC warriors win!!!

Title: [HEK]Warrior of the House

Requested By: SBM Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor

Specifics: The House Summit is looking for Exar Kun's most talented warrior, so we have started this search to find that person. Over the course of the Great Jedi War, I will keep track of how many Cluster of Fires everyone earns. Come the end of August, the person who received the most overall CFs for the entire duration of the war will be awarded a fourth level crescent. Two more crescents will be handed out to the second and third place finishers.

Also, there will probably be a delay in results since I'm sure CFs for the whole war won't completely be handed out until a week or two after it concludes. Due to this, I'm allowing this competition to run until the third week of August, so you'll have some extra time to keep earning those medals.

Start Date: 6/17/2006

End Date: 8/20/2006

Unit in Competition: House Exar Kun

Platforms: Great Jedi War

Awards: Fourth Level Crescents

Comments: I'll keep track of everything, so all you have to do is GAME!

Title: [CP]Trivia '06

Requested By: SBM Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor

Specifics: Every month, a list of twenty-five trivia questions will be released to the clan. The first three to answer the most number of questions correctly will be given fifth level crescents along with three, two, and one point[s]. At the end of December, when the last three winners are chosen, the three people with the overall most points will be given fourth level crescents. This competition will run from August to December, and feature a total of 125 questions and 18 crescents.

The questions range from Star Wars history, brotherhood history, and some behind the scenes questions. Many of them, however, will require some research to answer correctly. Due to this, I have provided a link that should assist you in answering almost all of the questions.


I will send all the questions in an email to the clan at the beginning of each month, as well as post them on the Plagueis website. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Good luck!

Start Date: 8/1/2006

End Date: 1/1/2007

Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis

Platforms: Email

Awards: Fifth and Fourth Level Crescents

Comments: Approved by CON

Title: Plagueis Weekly Caption Contest Part Deux

Requested By: SBL Salth Khan

Specifics: Part II of the original Plagueis Caption Contest. Each week a new image will be released to the Clan-at-large. Members will submit a caption statement to represent the image. This competition will run until the end 12/31/06.

Start Date: 8/6/2006

End Date: 12/31/2006

Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis

Platforms: None

Awards: Fifth Level Crescents:

1st Place Crescent with Emerald Star Cr-1E

2nd Place Crescent with Topaz Star Cr-1T

3rd Place Crescent with Quartz Star Cr-1Q

Comments: This competition is just for fun and to give members a distraction from the typical DB styled competitions.

Orders: Again like I said in my last report, post at least once in the GJW run-on. Solarus, since your new here try just reading it. If you don't know what I'm talking about its in the forum and the password is......e-mail to me and I'll tell ya. The plot and all that good stuff can be found here so go do your best Dark Jedi.

A Galaphile's Moment

Dark Jedi Knight Galaphile al'Tor awoke in his dormitory bed in Diadem Fortress on the planet Aerun. He couldn't sleep even though his room was more enhanced to his every need now that he was a Battlteam Leader. But yet he couldn't sleep. So he decided to do some early practice runs. He got up and snuck past the defenses of the Fortress and he found himself on the roof of Diadem.

Turbolasers could be seen mounted high on the walls, and heat-seeking missiles hidden within covered holes of the wall. Quietly as not to disturb the alrams and wake everyone up, he did a quick run of his martial art hand-to-hand combat skills in order to tire himself out. After an hour of doing this he began to feel drowsy.

The Falleen felt that it was time to return to his room so he could get some sleep. But instead of taking the way he came through which could have been clouded with guards. He wanted to be unseen to anyones eyes. Especially since he was just wearing a shirt and some Falleenian type boxers.

He jumped off the roof and tried to use the Force too slow his descent. But before he got a chance to do that, one of the decorations built onto the Fortress caught him on his boxers on the way down. The boxers slipped painfully through his behind, cutting off any attempt to scream or groan loudly.

The height of his jump added to his pain. So much pain that he started to slip into an uneasy sleep. As he was uselessly hanging there his last thought was, "I hope know one finds me here until I regain concious." Then he went to sleep.

The next morning the Journeymen were practicing a new move called, the 'Scaly Wedge' at the lunch table.


This conlcudes my report, and I hoped you enjoyed reading it.

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