I would like to thank everyone who voted in all of the obelisk rank polls. I think it was a successful venture.
The final vote was VERY close...the winning ranks only edged in by 2 votes. 22 to 20.
And the new Obelisk ranks are:
Obelisk Templar
Obelisk Prelate
Obelisk Exarch
Obelisk Primarch
The use of Primarch will make it so the second highest DB rank is now Dark Prophet.
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Those ranks are disgusting, I can't believe people actually voted for that crap. It sounds too damn political. I mean, Exarch was a rank in the senate for christ sake.
Well, whether it was a Senate rank or not, we're no longer affiliated with the EH, so it doesn't matter. Second, whether or not people like these ranks, they're sticking. I think people just need to realize, over the entire course of the DB's history, a lot of stuff has changed. Don't think for a minute things that we take for granted didn't get this reaction once. Just relax, let yourself get used to it. The ranks sounds kinda cool. And you only want DJK anyways. ;)
Dark Prophet? That's so incredibly stupid... can we come up with something a little better? :P
To Shen Long: As you have probably noticed, the vote was incredibly close. 22-20 is as close to a tie as it gets, so there has to be someone not too much liking it. On the other hand, the majority has decided and so this set of ranks will please more folks than any other. If you really hate the ranks so much that the concept would affect your ability to enjoy getting them later on... well, you can always become Krath ;-)
To Goatham: I'd be in favor of a different name for the DJP rank, too. How about Dark Jedi Lord in keeping with the Warmaster/Warlord (and now outdated Battlemaster/Battlelord) progression ? Dark Prophet sounds too Krath-focused for a rank this high IMO.
We separate from the EH to prevent one or two people's opinions deciding the course of the Brotherhood, and now look what happens. :P
Being the poor suck whose ranks got 2nd, I'd be quite partial to voting between the 8 ranks individually. See, I'd have voted for Khobai's set as fast as the next guy, but Prelate sounded funny to me. Some people didn't choose my set because of the old Battlemaster/Battlelord.
Who is to say we couldn't go:
Obelisk Centurion
Obelisk Exarch
Obelisk Templar
Obelisk Primarch
Or any number of other combinations?
Anyway, enough whining. Just had to point out the one-or-two-member thing. :P
Oh, P.S., our robes don't work. Fix that. :P
I want to say congratulations to the Obelisk for selecting their new ranks. Can everyone not let it be? Sure, it's not what everyone wants but it's better than some really crap ones being imposed on you all - isn't it???
As for Goatboys comments (sorry - Xanos Zorixor tehse days..:P) I totally agree with what he said. I'm sure a few of the CON's and DC discussed this on IRC a while back when the Obelisk rank reformation first started. DJP was a rank created purely to appease his EHness, Stefan Ronin. WHy should we consider it even valid in todays climate?
Kaiann also suggested Dark Jedi Lord since we no longer have the Master/Lord ranks within the Obelisk, but again returning to Goatboy, Darth is the Sith equivelant of Lord. So why not do as Goatham says. You remain as DJM (which in itself is such a sweeeet rank!) and then you are afforded a title.
Jac, I know you said no and we're kinda kicking up more $h*t for you but these are some ideas that you can postpone for now but at least consider for the future???
Once again - congratulations Obelisk! I hope the bitchin' stops soon....
Dark Jedi Master Mejas Doto - [James@Yogle.freeserve.co.uk]
"Embrace the Darkness"
DJM Mejas Doto (Krath)[#50]/P:HRLD-CON/Clan Arcona
As much as I'm trying not to turn this comments thread into a discussion, I thought I'd just say that Dark Jedi Lord is nice, although some might mistake it for being too close to Dark Lord (of which the rule of two would apply), but it is still a nice term. Still, there can be multiple Sith Lords but just two Dark Lords, so the term Dark Jedi Lord would indicate that you are equally powerful to the Dark Lord (Grand Master) but just don't happen to be lucky enough to be the Grand Master...you're a Sith Lord, just not THE Dark Lord.
Though, that's where Darth comes in, as Darth is the term post-Darth Bane that replaced Lord, effectively its like the Sith language word for Lord. It actually isn't Sith for Lord, but it's come to mean Lord...so Darth would have the same affect. Still...another debate for another time, or for the message boards, so I'll shut up :P
~ SO Zorrixor
Exarch is an ancient term used by many religions for their senior most warrior priest. It was adopted by the Eastern Roman Empire for the leading Bishop of a region usually ruling an entire city as well as controling all the nobility in that area as well. Its a fine rank. The Dark Prophet sort of bothers me because of the fact that the Obsidian Temple, Pyr's little DB wanta be group uses it as the title for their leader. Perhaps a more hostile or aggressive title like Heretic or Warlock, or even Defiler would be more impressive e.g. Dark Heretic or something of that nature. The ranks are fine its the Dark Prophet that bothers me.
I always thought the ranks were a bit. . .eh. . .silly. I thought it'd be cool to go from ACO, to DJK, to DJM, then so on and so fourth. I like the turn this conversation is taking as well. Goat, you've got some good points.
I'll say this here now, in my report later...:)
I didn't read a lot of the stuff here cause I am just sick of rank changes. No matter what happens to the rank names, not everyone will be happy, so I aminclined to just leave them as they be.
If someone has a proposal they want me to consider, EMAIL is to me and I will look at it. The comments system isn't a good place to propose changes.
Sorry that my opinion sucks, but I've been yelled at by 10 too many pople about the Obelisk ranks. I mean, I did a serious back track to let the voting occur, and people still bitched about that.
I am not opposed to making more changes, but I need a break to focus on things that actually matter.
No. :)
I like the myself, and they have been voted on, so this time there isn't much anybody can do about it, though I think we are safe to say that more people like these than the old ones of Champion/Sentinel/Crusader/Templar, which is good.
As for Dark Prophet...I think we can worry about that more when somebody IS a Dark Prophet.
Persoally, I'd like to see one of two things;
Scrap the rank all together, I mean, how many people even get it? DJM sounds cool, and to think of a word that sounds cool and higher than Master is hard...plus it needs to fit between master and grand master...even harder.
Make the awarding of "Darth" more official. Currently its a really mute thing that you can get as DGM, doesn't happen often...heck, actually there are probably more Darths than Prophets. (Lets see...Prophets, 0, Darths, about 5-10). Darth is just a title, its not Dark Lord of the Sith, so I'd quite like the top rank, even if not Darth itself, to be some kind of title and not a rank name, that way you stay a Dark Jedi Master, but also become Darth whatever, or Lord somebody...or something.
~ SO Zorrixor