Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

RevengeX yawned as he looked around his new office. It was approximately the same size as the Rollmaster office. 'Dang,' he thought as he pretended to read a piece of paper about the current roster. 'I should have become Consul... they have big nice offices...' Wiping his sweaty hands on his purple robes, he pulled at his collar as the temperature seemed to rise. The former Rollmsater yawned again and stretched his arms towards the ceiling, only getting a couple more aches and pains in his arms and back because of the small space. Taking a sip of ale from a canteen on his desk, Revenge looked at the stack of papers on his desk. Everything from electric bills to applications for membership into Drynwyn's Flame was there. 'Silly people,' he thought as he examined the stack. 'Hmmm... nothing important.' Taking out a piece of paper and pen from a small cabinet, he began to write...

Battle Team News:

I am the new Battle Team Leader and Thran is the new Battle Team Leader of Draco Conspicari. Yay for both us. I am currently working on a new website for the Team which is going along very well (it uses an old website template originally created for Drywnyn's Flame by Rhaub which can be viewed here: I will have an exclusive preview of the website for the members of the Team soon. I am currently looking for any pieces of writing or artwork to be displayed on the website (it doesn't have to be good at all). I am also looking for documents about the history of Drynwyn's Flame because I don't know much about the history and it would be nice to know about it (plus, the document would be displayed on the website).

Battle Team Direction:

This section will be detailing where I want the Battle Team to go (and I don't mean the Grand Canyon or the Imperial Palace in Tokyo!). Right now, I want the Battle Team to be seen as one of the dominant forces of the Clan when it comes to writing, ACC, all that good stuff. But not only do I want it to be bangin', I want to make sure that it is viewed as a whole by other units. I want the Team to be a unified force, not something that is made up of different sections, so I want the efforts to be in a continuous, forward direction. (I hope that made some sense.)

Activity Report:

For my activity reports, I will be reviewing the work of every member in the Battle Team.

KP RevengeX Palpatine ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-GJW6: Won 1 ACC Battle for The Ultimate Duel due to an opponent drawing the match

-Working on the new Battle Team website

-Working on a new member system for the Battle Team

-Message Board Presence

-IRC Presence

KPN Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine ([Log in to view e-mail addresses] ):

-Message Board Presence

-IRC Presence

KAP al`Lan Mandragoran ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-IRC Presence

DJK Uzbad Zol Tamalar ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-IRC Presence

PRT Libra Tzo ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-In Contact

(Remember, if I missed anything, contact me via IRC or email personally and I'll include it in my next action-filled report!)

The GJW is winding down, but there are still a few events still going! Try to participate in these events, but if you really can't, that's okay too. :)


Expect a few competitions coming out for Drynwyn's Flame after the War ends.

The 6th Great Jedi War

The Great Jedi War (GJW) is THE biggest inter-clan vendetta or the Brotherhood! Be sure to participate!

The Enemy Within (Our Clan run-on)

This is the link to our clan run-on for the Great Jedi War.

[HAD] Current Events 8.06

Write about recent events in only 2-5 pages!

August MTs (Monthly Topics)

Be sure to check out this month's new monthly topics!

Random Stuff:

N00b beating in JO is fun! :D

Quote of the Week:

This is the section where I put a meaningful and very profound quote.

"Most people would succeed in small things if they were not troubled with great ambitions."

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)  

Have a great week everyone, and remember, Drynwyn's Flame is STILL looking for more members (if you want to be a member of Drynwyn's Flame, please contact me and Rasilvenaira with a short application telling us why you want to be in it).


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