Aedile Report


Aedile Report

<head> <title>HSK AED Report</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> </head>

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News From the Front



Following the GJW, look for CP to start work improving its fictional background as well as overall image. We can look forward to many new competitions with some twists, BTs getting a restructuring pass from the Houses, and lots of little projects to recognize member participation.

We'll look to build off our dismal showing in the GJW and prepare ourselves for upcoming Club-wide events. We're looking to place a bit more emphasis on competition and pride in the success of the Clan as a whole.


I'm not sure why this keeps coming up. We all know that the leadership of the Clan has chosen to enforce a "PG-13" content rating in #plagueis. The reason for this is, there are many members here below the age of 18 and some even younger than 16. There's no reason to act in such an immature fashion in front of anyone, let alone younger people who may be naive enough to think such behavior is appropriate or tolerated.

Trust me, the things you think are cool now, won't be when you're older. Everyone goes through it and will need to learn their own lessons, but boasting graphically about sex you obviously never had, impresses no one and makes you look ridiculous. You'll see when you enter later stages of your life that things in the world don't operate on a 10th-grade mentality level.

We all make jokes, swear, act a bit immature from time-to-time, but let's not do it in front of people that might get the wrong idea or those younger members who may or may not be impressionable. Let's just keep it reasonably clean and move on to other things.


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<font color="#999900">Competitions</font>


Please visit the DB Competition Page for all currently running competitions.

However, all remaining GJW Events should be your primary focus.

For now, please participate in the GJW in any way that you like as long as you enter something for the good of the House and Clan.


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<font color="#999900">Shadow Academy </font>


APP Zakk Vynn passed Obelisk Core, Lightsaber Studies, Conflict Mediation

GRD Rannik "Warhammer" Narius passed Sith Flight Studies I: ISET


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<font color="#999900">Antei Combat Centre</font>


DJK Julius 'Tolter' Caesar lost to SW Brujah Tamalar in a Training Annex Battle

GRD Rannik "Warhammer" Narius lost to SW Brujah Tamalar in a Proving Ground Battle


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<font color="#999900">Transfers & Changes</font>



APP Dark Monk to Satal Keto

PRT Shonen to Rogues

PRT Korenaga No Maragor to Rogues




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<b><font color="#999900">Promotions & Advancement</font></b>


PRT Rannik "Warhammer" Narius to GUARDIAN!

Finally! Good job, Rann.


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<font color="#999900">Awards</font>


GRD Arcadian awarded Crescent w/ Topaz Star, Crescent w/ Quartz Star


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<font color="#999900">Eye of the Aedile</font>


The Aedile sees all you do. To this end he will reward your service to the House and Clan. Catch his attention through your efforts and be rewarded. Fail him not. Be warned, the Eye is fickle and if none attract its gaze, none shall it see.

This week the Eye opens and closes slowly and sees...

<font size="6" color="#FF0000" face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">"NO ONE"</font>

What I'm looking for is that selfless indidvidual who's not only improving his or her self, but those around them. This would be someone, for instance, taking SA courses, active on IRC, competing in competitions, seeking to improve their BT/House/Clan with ideas or effort in various ways, and giving help to those around them when needed.


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<font color="#999900">The Way Ahead</font>


September will see a period of internal focus within the House and Clan. We will be looking to expand the information on our History, Planets, Possessions, BTs, etc. in order to flesh out our House a bit more.

OP Silent, SBM Daniel Stephens and myself are working on a small project to recognize those individuals who put forth effort in the Sixth Great Jedi War. We will be releasing a list of all those members who contributed, number of entries, etc., in order to thank those that helped the House and Clan achieve.

I have stickied a topic on the HSK Message Boards asking for the House's input on the upcoming BT restructure. When the time comes, we will be compiling all the ideas and implementing what is in the best interest of everyone in order to make the teams, and ultimately the House, more successful.

So far there are some great ideas. Let's get some more input.


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<font color="#999900">Leave of Absence</font>


ACO Senka Rakesh (1 August-25 August)

PRT Niman (approx. 3 weeks)


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<font color="#999900">AWOL</font>


Currently all members needing AWOLed have been by the proper authorities. I had it in this block that HSK members could/would be AWOLed for not participating in the GJW. This policy has been done away with and no one need worry about being removed. My fault for not updating this to reflect that change sooner.

That said, those members out of email contact, never on IRC, no MB activity, or otherwise generally not interested in participating for an extended period of time, still can and will be AWOLed. We definitely don't want to preclude anyone from participating in their own way, as long as there is _some _participation.


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<font color="#999900">Required Reading </font>


I've gotten some questions lately on the ACC. Head over to the ACC Site and peruse their in-depth documentation. There's a vast amount of information available there, but if you go through it a couple times, I guarantee the sometimes mysterious, and often frustrating world of the ACC will clear up a bit for you.

Try going through the Rules and Compendium especially as they contain the nitty-gritty of what you need to know to perform well there. Also, a good idea is to read through some past battles. Try looking at battles in which members beat the trainers if you're looking to qualify, or browse their classic battles to get ideas on bettering your writing.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to get out there and do some reading on your own in order to maximize enjoyment and be successful in your stay here.


</tr> <tr> <td height="102">**DJK Raken (Sith) / AED / Satal Keto of Plagueis [PA: DL] [KSOE: ENV] [ACC: CL: 1]

  / StA / DC-KC / (GNB) / Cr-3A-4S-8E-1T-1Q  

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