Aedile Report


Aedile Report

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<table id="total" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" align="center"> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">**::: Dark Jedi Brotherhood

:::**</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">

Oriens Obscurum Aedile Report #1

18, August, 2006 </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">::AED/OP Rade Tamalar Reporting::</td></tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">

Oriens Obscurum Roster

Arcona Roster

Darkness, the eternal Dark Side incarnate!


Hail, and well met, my fellow Arconans, and OO members! :) If you haven't noticed by now, I am the new Aedile of Oriens Obscurum, and it'll be a fun time here. ;) I can honestly say that with effort from everyone willing, HOO will free itself of the shackles of inactivity and the like, of the past. :D Smoke and I will be working together to make things work, and to get it setup where the House can flourish once again.

If you want to know a little about me, I think I can oblige here. :) I have served as QUA of Galeres, and PCON of Arcona in the past. However, if you check my DJB profile, it will not mention it; such records are only left to memory, and a few secluded sites that are hiding. Hehe. Anyway, I've been in the Brotherhood for quite some time, and I hope to help HOO get back on its feet. If you have any questions for me, please let me know, and I'll talk with you. :) Onto the meat then, I guess. :p


General News

  • The Great Jedi War is still on, and Arcona is in 3rd Place! You have all done well, and it's well earned! However, the fued is drawing to a close near the end of August, so do everything you can in the downtime till that, to keep our placing. :)

<li>As stated just before, with the GJW slowing down, Gaming Nights are back online, as well as the ICTE! Have a fun time, no matter what you do.

Oriens Obscurum News

  • In accordance with the AWOL check being run by Smoke, I've made efforts to contact those who haven't reported in yet. At the moment, one has reported in, one is bouncing email, and some others are delayed in sending by the mail system. By the end of August, if you have not reported in to Smoke or myself, we must say bye to you. :(

<li>Welcome to the members who will be joining Oriens Obscurum (part of my efforts to restock our members, and get HOO going again. :)), even though I'll welcome you again when you get here. :P LOL </li>

Standing Orders

  1. Report in to Smoke or myself, if you haven't already, please.

<li>Do what you can to support HOO and Arcona, in what remains of the GJW. :) </li>
<li>Keep us informed of what you're up to; especially activity. </li>
<li>Have a fun time! :D</li>



  • The GJW is closing, but if you can still do something for it, please do! :)

<li>Communication: I consider communicating with others and specifically, your leaders, to be some activity. Please make sure your opinions are voiced, and let us know what you enjoy; include any suggestions. ;) </li>
<li>ICTE: The ICTE is being run by myself this week, and it's 24 hours long!! :D If you can do something in it, please do! It'll be well rewarded, come your effort and dedication. :p </li>
<li>General Stuff: Your average game/acc matches played means you're doing stuff, and that's something I love to hear about! ;) If you play a match or something with your buds.. make sure we know about it. We would love to see your pwnage! :P Contribute to your clan, and help us get where we need to be. :D</li>


  1. [Brotherhood] Great Jedi War 6

It is closing, but we can use all the help, if you can give us something, anything. ;)

Sorry for not having more in this section, next week I'll be more up on it! :) Hehe.

Medal Report

So far since my medals. However, I think that will change, come my next report. ;)

Promotions Report

None yet since my appointment, but we'll be on the lookout! ;)

Education Report

The same as the previous two sections... :P

Antei Combat Centre

The same as the previous three sections! Duh! LOL xD

Transfers Report


DJK Kalika APP John

Welcome, both of you! :)


Nadda, yet (AWOL check)


As I said, I am glad to be in Arcona, and here to help. Please know that if there is something you need, and I can help you, I will do my best. ;) By the way, I have a request: Anyone who is currently working on their next promotion (which should be everything, to be honest...:P), please email me what you have done so far in earning it. Include ANYTHING!! :D

Thanks guys for surviving my report, and I'll cya on IRC! :)


</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">::: In Dark Service :::</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">


**Prelate Rade "Venquis" Tamalar

Oriens Obscurum Aedile**

:::!Darkness Forever!:::

</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">::: House Oriens Obscurum, Clan Arcona, Dark Jedi Brotherhood :::</td> </tr> </table>

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