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<table id="total" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" align="center"> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">**::: Dark Jedi Brotherhood
:::**</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">
Oriens Obscurum Aedile Report #1
18, August, 2006 </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">::AED/OP Rade Tamalar Reporting::</td></tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">
Darkness, the eternal Dark Side incarnate!
Hail, and well met, my fellow Arconans, and OO members! :) If you haven't noticed by now, I am the new Aedile of Oriens Obscurum, and it'll be a fun time here. ;) I can honestly say that with effort from everyone willing, HOO will free itself of the shackles of inactivity and the like, of the past. :D Smoke and I will be working together to make things work, and to get it setup where the House can flourish once again.
If you want to know a little about me, I think I can oblige here. :) I have served as QUA of Galeres, and PCON of Arcona in the past. However, if you check my DJB profile, it will not mention it; such records are only left to memory, and a few secluded sites that are hiding. Hehe. Anyway, I've been in the Brotherhood for quite some time, and I hope to help HOO get back on its feet. If you have any questions for me, please let me know, and I'll talk with you. :) Onto the meat then, I guess. :p
General News
<li>As stated just before, with the GJW slowing down, Gaming Nights are back online, as well as the ICTE! Have a fun time, no matter what you do.
Oriens Obscurum News
<li>Welcome to the members who will be joining Oriens Obscurum (part of my efforts to restock our members, and get HOO going again. :)), even though I'll welcome you again when you get here. :P LOL </li>
Standing Orders
<li>Do what you can to support HOO and Arcona, in what remains of the GJW. :)
<li>Keep us informed of what you're up to; especially activity.
<li>Have a fun time! :D</li>
<li>Communication: I consider communicating with others and
specifically, your leaders, to be some activity. Please make sure your
opinions are voiced, and let us know what you enjoy; include any
suggestions. ;)
<li>ICTE: The ICTE is being run by myself this week, and it's 24 hours long!! :D If you can do something in it, please do! It'll be well rewarded, come your effort and dedication. :p
<li>General Stuff: Your average game/acc matches played means you're doing stuff, and that's something I love to hear about! ;) If you play a match or something with your buds.. make sure we know about it. We would love to see your pwnage! :P Contribute to your clan, and help us get where we need to be. :D</li>
It is closing, but we can use all the help, if you can give us something, anything. ;) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/gjw/
Sorry for not having more in this section, next week I'll be more up on it! :) Hehe.
Medal Report
So far since my appointment...no medals. However, I think that will change, come my next report. ;)
Promotions Report
None yet since my appointment, but we'll be on the lookout! ;)
Education Report
The same as the previous two sections... :P
Antei Combat Centre
The same as the previous three sections! Duh! LOL xD
Transfers Report
DJK Kalika APP John
Welcome, both of you! :)
Nadda, yet (AWOL check)
As I said, I am glad to be in Arcona, and here to help. Please know that if there is something you need, and I can help you, I will do my best. ;) By the way, I have a request: Anyone who is currently working on their next promotion (which should be everything, to be honest...:P), please email me what you have done so far in earning it. Include ANYTHING!! :D
Thanks guys for surviving my report, and I'll cya on IRC! :)
</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">::: In Dark Service :::</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">
**Prelate Rade "Venquis" Tamalar
Oriens Obscurum Aedile**
:::!Darkness Forever!:::
</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">::: House Oriens Obscurum, Clan Arcona, Dark Jedi Brotherhood :::</td> </tr> </table>
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