Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


Hello again for yet ANOTHER week of the annoying BTL giving you all his annoying BTR! Now, on with the Report!!!


None. Guys, c'mon, get some promos going!

SA Courses:

Famosus has completed numerous Exams within one or two weeks. He has completed the Lightsaber Studies, the Trainingsaber Basics, IRC Operators Course, Marksman, and the Pre-Republic Exams! Hes on a roll aint he?! GREAT JOB FAM! And glad to see you back in action!


JC has created the "Create your own TIE!" comp.!

The New Forum!:

OK, as some of you may already know, I have talked to some people on making the BT its own forum for ideas and comments/suggestions. If you want to check it out, just go to the Sub-Forum in the CP/HSK Forum on the MBs.


Achilles has submitted his submittion for the New GJW Event.

Well, that about covers it for this week! See/hear/read from you all next week! If I have missed anything, please e-mail me or catch me on mIRC...

~BTL Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius

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