RevengeX sat still at his desk, the news that the War was over still sinking in. Apparently, the two Jacs had been fused together as one when they had been fighting in the Dark Hall. Although most Dark Jedi were extremely skeptical at first, nobody wanted to argue with what appeared to be the Grandmaster. Now the reconstruction of the Dark Hall and several different buildings on different planets had begun. Dark Jedi no longer carried the banner of either a Red or Blue Jac, only the banner of the Iron Throne. The original Dark Council had been set back into place and the Clans were "co-operating" with each other at a usual manner now. The Priest sighed as he read through a few more papers basically asking for money to rebuild one of the ancient outhouses that had supposedly been used by Jac when he had visited Judecca. 'How much money do you need to rebuild an outhouse?' he thought as he read over another paper requesting more workers. 'Bah, work... makes me break out in hives... Oh yea, report time!' Singing a strange tune that said "Drynwyn's Flame report time" over and over again, the Tetrarch picked up a piece of paper and pen from his desk and began to write...
BATTLE TEAM NEWS (to better distinguish when a section starts, section names will be in all caps and bold):
Right now, I'm working on a new Honorary Members system with specs, privileges and everything. I'm just figuring out some of the more minor details about it and it needs to be officially approved by the House Summit (from what I know, Clan Summit gave me the green light). If it is officially approved, I'll be sure to give you guys an idea of what it is and everything. We now have two new members! Please welcome KP Exodius and PRT Krayn Cotelin. That means only one more space for a member is available. I am still working on the website, but that should be finished soon (I may release another preview). I am also still looking for any pieces of writing people have written about the history of Drynwyn's Flame and a list of Tetrarches in chronological order (doesn't have to be a complete list, since I already have a few and I can piece things together). I am also looking for pieces of writing or images that people would like to have placed on the website (email me personally please).
Now that the GJW is pretty much over with only one event left, I'm glad that most of the people in Drynwyn's Flame participated in at least one event. Expect many more competitions for Drynwyn's Flame and House Acclivis Draco soon (see the special Future Competitions section)! Now, this brings me to my next point. I would like to see activity from the majority of Battle Team Members, but, if there really is no way you can participate in a particular competition or event, that's fine as long as you give me a heads up (for example, you tell me that you don't have an imaging program on your computer, so you can't do competitions concerning creating images). Then, I won't scold you and I'll most likely say that it's all good. :)
(By the way, if you don't have an imaging program on your computer, I recommend GIMP 2 (, a free imaging program.)
KP RevengeX Palpatine ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):
-GJW6: Songs of the Past
-GJW6: A final surprise (214,032,820)
-Awarded Clusters of Fire x16
-Awarded Dark Side Scroll
-IRC Presence
KPN Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):
-Awarded Dark Side Scroll
-Message Board Presence
-IRC Presence
KAP al`Lan Mandragoran ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):
-ACC: Training 2 members
-IRC Presence
DJK Uzbad Zol Tamalar ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):
-GJW6: The Grand Battle
-GJW6: Songs of the Past
-GJW6: A final surprise
-Submitted a story to the Drynwyn's Flame website
-IRC Presence
GRD Libra Tzo ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):
-Promoted to GRD (Congrats!)
-Came back from LoA
-Submitted a graphic to the Drynwyn's Flame website
-IRC Presence
KP Exodius ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses]):
-Joined Drynwyn's Flame
PRT Krayn Cotelin ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses]):
-Joined Drynwyn's Flame
(Remember, if I missed anything, contact me via IRC or email personally and I'll include it in my next action-filled report!)
The 6th Great Jedi War
The Great Jedi War (GJW) is THE biggest inter-clan vendetta or the Brotherhood! Be sure to participate!
[HAD] Current Events 8.06
Write about recent events in only 2-5 pages!
August MTs (Monthly Topics)
Be sure to check out this month's new monthly topics!
Drynwyn's Flame Time Capsule (Starts 8/30)
A lunch box was left behind...
Drynwyn's Flame Krayt Dragon Hunt (Starts 8/30)
We're going on a Krayt Dragon Hunt! W00t!
The Heart of a Dragon (Starts 8/30)
You are a member of House Acclivis Draco. What does that mean?
Alright, who stole it!?? (Starts 8/30)
Find out who stole Squeaks!
Drynwyn's Flame Logo (Starts 9/20)
Design a logo for Drynwyn's Flame!
Wielding Drynwyn's Flame (Starts 9/30)
Ambitious for wielding Drynwyn's Flame?
Peanut butter jelly time!
"I've always tried to go a step past wherever people expected me to end up."
-Beverly Sills (1929- )
Have a great week everyone! And congratulations to all of those who have won medals for particular GJW events!
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