Consul Report


Consul Report

CNS Consul Report #6 - August 26th, 2006

Hi everybody,

I will leave the speech until the end.

Total CON emails: 81

  1. Rai Steps down as HMR Quaestor

You guys already know this. Man, I'm going to miss Rai, because I usually bitch to him the same way you guys bitch to me. I've always trusted his advice.

Obviously in the end there will be a vacancy in the summit, and that is why I have the "some position" open for applications.

  1. Acara Rayden new Clan Librarian

Rai insisted that Acara Rayden be the new Clan Librarian. I had no problem with this appointment because he's done this kind of work before for Rai, and apparently very well.

  1. GJW Update

I have one word for you: Pinball.

  1. Dark Side Scrolls

It seems like our clan is the biggest contributor to the Dark Voice lately.

Dark Side Scrolls (DSSes) went to: Macron, Shin'ichi, Xayun, Lucius, Sildrin, Mifune, Acerbus, Thorin, Manji, Imperial, Sharmin and myself.

  1. Gaming

From the ICTE two weeks ago, CNS participation came from Ruluk Okoth, Corin Falgron, Lucius, and Raven.

From the ICTE one week ago, CNS participation came from Ruluk Okoth, Lucius, Xayun,

During last week's gaming nights, CNS participation came from Lucius and Xayun.

I'll just note that the ICTE is run by our very own Lucius, so go make him do his job.

  1. Scrolls of Indoctrination

It's good that members of this clan are recruiting new membrs. Scrolls of Indoctrination went to:

Ruluk Okoth for recruiting Dark Crow.

Thorin for recruiting K'Tol Niroth.

Xanos for recruiting Vladeck.

  1. Other Medal

One Dark Cross (DC) was awarded to Sildrin for suggesting next month's Monthly Topics.

  1. Promotion

And finally, a promotion. PRT Ruluk Okoth was promoted to Guardian (GRD). Yay!

Tons of medals and promotions will be given out in a couple of weeks once the Great Jedi War results come in.

  1. Conclusion

I normally go out of my way not to mention people by name in these "sermons" of mine. This is because my comments on their behavior has been less than satisfactory. But hey, if the behavior continues, I will publicly burn you. People who criticize me for being soft, if you really want me to be tough, I will focus my energies on you. But this isn't the focus of my conclusion today.

There are many things I could have talked about today, but I wanted to single out one member of this clan who embodies everything I hope for in a CNS member: Malisane.

Take a good look at how Malisane acts and behaves on IRC. He is unbiased, he is calm, he is perfectly happy with where he is in the DB. I wish I could just clone Malisane 50 times.

Take a good look at your recommendations for my promotion to DA. Somehow some of you guys praise certain aspects of my personality and then A. use it against me or B. do not exemplify those personality traits yourself.

Does happiness in this club require power? Does it? Everybody talks about how awesome it was that I could wait 8 years to become Consul of this clan, and yet most of you lack the same patience.

Think about that. There's a serious problem in this clan, and I'm guessing in the DB in general, and I think it will be the downfall of the DB until you guys clear your minds of it.

So I want each and every one of you to look at yourselves, and ask yourselves this question: "Am I the cause of problems? Am I a trouble maker?"


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