Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Horsemen of the Apocalypse Report #17

The personal holo-communicators of the team members of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse vibrated once again with the signal assigned to Baron Zarco. Some were just leaving the party the phyle had just celebrated in the wake of the success of the team in the Sixth Great Jedi War. Some team members wondered what Zarco had forgotten for surely he had been remiss, at least in his own mind, for omitted some detail or another that he now called to correct. As the devices were activated his image and familiar accent once again appeared in shimmering blue.

“No, I did not forget anything. I just received word from the Summit about the spoils of war. I will be brief but the following individuals bear mentioning again, even in the wake of my praise of them so recently. If I forget anything t is only because so much was earned by these fine individuals that I cannot remember it all as I fly to an appointment I must keep.”

“Krath Arch-Priest NexusMage earned a Dark Cross for his early participation in the War. Our newest member Sorrow has been elevated to protector and awarded a Dark Cross for his participation which came just after he joined late in the War.”

“Ricco has been promoted to Dark Jedi Knight and received a Steel Cross for work in the Shadow Academy, a Silver Nova for a GJW6 event, thirteen Seals of Duplicity for participation in the GGJW, and a Dark Side Scroll. Where’s your lightsaber Ricco? I figured you would have already had it done. I can’t wait to see what you pick.”

“Tiberius Serpentium has been elevated to Equite with a well deserved promotion! He has also received a Gold Nova for a GJW6 event, twelve Seals of Duplicity, a Dark Side Scroll, all on top of the novae and awards he acquired in the Arcona Feud. If anyone wants to see a well-decorated Priest go check out his dossier. And while you are there, check out his new lightsaber. That new saber is the bomb!!! I can’t wait to get a whiff of the smell when you cut someone with it, even if its me. Congratulations Krath Priest Tiberius Serpentium.”

When I began as tetrarch of the Horsemen I wanted a team that wreaked the havoc fitting of the end of times. I am pleased. Ha ha ha ha ha!”

The flickering image of Zarco ceased to exist, ushered out by his maniacal laughter. He was on his way to the Force knows where to do the Force probably did not even know what, but there was much to do. A Horseman’s work was never done, for ushering in the final days was a great task, even for a team as able as the Horsemen.

Moments later, the communications devices beeped again. It was Zarco once more. His face was gathered and serious, a stark contrast to his demeanor moments before.

“Hey guys, I forgot to feed the fish before I left. Get one of the members who did not chip in lately and send them to my quarters to feed the stingrays. Thanks a million.”

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