Second Chance Competition


Second Chance Competition

With the winners of July's Prophecy Krath Monthly Topic Announced, anyone who didn't win, is probably quite disappointed.

Well, have I got news for you.

For one week only, you can send in your submission, winning or not, for the chance to win a Star of Eos, in the KMT Second Chance Competition.

I have been the compiler of a tome of Krath Lore, called the Chroncile of Dark Souls. This tome is currently undergoing massive revisions and updates, and is looking for original entries. If your submission fits the needs of the work, I'll award you a shiney SoE, and your name will be credited in the acknowledgments.

Even if you don't think you're a gifted prophet, send your submission. I may help you revise it, to make it suitable.

I'll take as many qualified submissions, as I receive, and award as many medals as I can sneak by Camile. So send all entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

In anticipation,

Dark Adept Trevarus Caerick, Knight First Class
Magistrate to the Krath High Priestess
Proconsul of Clan Naga Sadow

Silly Trev... it's not Star of Eos anymore... it's Star of Antei (StA) :Þ


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