Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

RevengeX yawned as he looked down at his datapad filled with a bunch of messages about the Brotherhood's reconstruction and how he needs to help. 'Bah,' he thought as he went through several messages about new toilets in succession, 'I'll work on that stuff later...' His feet were falling asleep and his eyelids were getting droopy as he read a strange message that he had to decode using the old Caesar method of decryption. 'How lame,' he thought slowly, 'someone used Caesar encryption... what a newbie.' The Priest ran through a couple more messages and then got tired of looking at all of them when he had to read a few about someone's favorite Bith musical group. Putting the datapad back down onto his desk and shutting it off, Revenge yawned again and stretched his arms. He pulled out a piece of paper from a nearby stack, picked up a pen that was sitting on his desk and began to write...


Nothing much has been going on with the Battle Team besides me releasing several competitions (check them out at the Competition Listing on or in the Competitions and Future Competitions sections of this report). Oh yea, just in case you guys wanted to know, I haven't received any submissions to the Drynwyn's Flame competitions, so that increases your chance of getting a medal and recognition! Also, don't worry about getting recognition medals and promotions for the GJW from the House and Clan Summits (we're working on that (I promise)). Although it's a bit later than the other Clans', we'll still get them done. Just as a reminder, the Drynwyn's Flame website (best viewed in Mozilla Firefox) is up and running! It should be fully functional, but if you spot anything funny going on, please email or PM me on IRC! Something that should also be noted is that Krath Tyro Lan has transferred to Rogues. We'll miss him. ;_;


Last week, I talked about getting involved through ideas and suggestions toward the House and Clan Summits. Now, I think I'll tell you guys a story (note that it's purely fictional).

"There once was a samurai warrior who was said to be one of the greatest fighters of his time. He was able to defeat his mentor with a sword at the age of nine years. The warrior was deemed a rather ambitious prodigy and progressed to become a legend.

"So now, after thirty years, his skill in fighting has only increased and his physical prowess was unmatched within the king's court. But one day, he was beaten up by a bunch of common thugs who wanted to have their version of fun at night."

I wonder if any of you understood the moral behind this. The samurai warrior only fought to prove himself and to progress within the king's court. He did not realize that fighting could be implemented outside of the king's court, and so, he was able to be beaten by a bunch of common thugs. His motive for learning how to fight was incorrect. Fighting is a practical art that must be able to be adapted in every situation.

Concerning the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, everybody's motive should be to have fun. But, many people just want promotions and medals and to be "higher up" than everyone else. Remember that the main purpose for the Dark Jedi Brotherhood to exist is for people to make friends, interact with people who have similar interests (mainly Star Wars) and to have fun. Of course, if you think beating people up at night is fun, well, I think you should go see a psychologist. Especially if you receive a "schadenfreude"-like feeling.


KP RevengeX Palpatine ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-Awarded Cluster of Fire x73

-Awarded Seal of Duplicity x17

-Awarded Gold Nova (Now I just need ten more to tie with Dark Sabre's record!)

-Awarded Silver Nova

-Awarded Bronze Nova (Yay, I got a full set now!)

-Awarded Grand Cross of the Dark Side

-Passed Leadership Fundamentals Course

-IRC Presence

KPN Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-Awarded Seal of Duplicity x3

-Awarded Dark Cross

-Message Board Presence

-IRC Presence

KAP al`Lan Mandragoran ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-Awarded Seal of Duplicity x4

-Awarded Silver Nova

-Transferred to Rogues (We'll miss you, Lan! :()

-IRC Presence

DJK Uzbad Zol Tamalar ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-Awarded Seal of Duplicity x10

-Passed Leadership Fundamentals Course

-Passed Marksmanship Course

-IRC Presence

GRD Libra Tzo ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-Awarded Seal of Duplicity

-IRC Presence

KP Exodius ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-IRC Presence

PRT Krayn Cotelin ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-AIM Presence

DJM Kaiann Yetaru Entar ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]):

-Transferred to House Acclivis Draco

-Joined Drynwyn's Flame

-IRC Presence

To everyone who participated in the Sixth Great Jedi War, great job! Thank you for representing your Battle Team, House and Clan well! To those who didn't participate, don't worry! There's always a next time (just remember that a shiny Seal of Duplicity won't show up on your dossier).


There are a lot of competitions out for Drynwyn's Flame, House Acclivis Draco and the DJB!

Drynwyn's Flame Time Capsule

A lunch box was left behind...

Drynwyn's Flame Krayt Dragon Hunt

We're going on a Krayt Dragon Hunt! W00t!

The Heart of a Dragon

You are a member of House Acclivis Draco. What does that mean?

Alright, who stole it!??

Find out who stole Squeaks!

GJW - an Aftermath

Supplies are low, what will you do?

Lyrical Composition: Sith

Give Dalthid some lines for a new song!

September MTs

This month's Monthly Topics!


Drynwyn's Flame Logo (Starts 9/20)

Design a logo for Drynwyn's Flame!

Wielding Drynwyn's Flame (Starts 9/30)

Ambitious for wielding Drynwyn's Flame?

Why Drynwyn's Flame r0xx0rz your s0xx0rz (Starts 10/10)

Yay for Top Ten lists! Only takes at most ten minutes!


I wonder if we'll ever participate in WoWs (Weeks of War) again (


"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

-George Orwell (1903 - 1950)

Have a great week everyone!


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