Annoying Virus


Annoying Virus

I normally don't post stuff like this, but they have declared this virus an "epidemic" on my college campus and I just spent the last 3 hours going door to door fixing computers. Not fun.

Anyway -- If any of you find yourself with a computer that keeps restarting with an error about RPC, then you are most likely infected with the w32.blaster.worm, also known as the lovesan worm.

This site was the best I found for removing it: Click Here

There is a Microsoft update and a small (~2 meg) program there called "stinger" that will remove the virus for free.

Have fun!

Unfortunately Jac you posted this too late for ole Mejas....

I've just finished backing up and restoring/reinstalling XP and all my other software. It's good cause I've bene meaning to do it and the damn virus scared the hell out of me, but anyhow, it's almost 3:30 am here and I'm up for wokr in about 2.5 hours... :(

So I was basically giving a big DOH! Nobody else be as stupid as me, go get the patch downloaded and installed, else you'll never be online for more than 30 seconds again!

Too late for me, too. This virus took out both of my machines at home. I ended up formatting one, and the other is so far gone I can't even boot it, so I will spend tonight fixing it.

Microsoft sucks. I'd just once like to see them release software that works reliably instead of releasing what they know is crap, then releasing "patches" for it.

The consumer is partially to blame... we continue to buy the garbage that they put out. If every time MS released a new OS (Like every two years) we didn't flock like lemming retards to buy it, maybe they'd release stuff that was a little more stable.

One of the better ways of protecting oneself against threats like these is a personal firewall (desktop firewall). I had an unpatched Windows 2000 and was a target of that worm a few hundred times (I estimate around 600, based on the logs), yet my machine stayed clean.

A free personal firewall called "ZoneAlarm" can be found at (note, only the first link on that page downloads the free thing, the other leads you to an order page for an upgraded bundle). I use that and so far it hasn't failed me. Easy to set up, too.


I just removed that virus from the computer of my neightboor...

it's a really annoying virus...

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