Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Soul Whisperers Report #2

Its that time again, time for another report from your all so lovely Commander.

Once again, this report is not in my usual style because its going to be rather short this time.

The Motto Comp has ended, and the winning motto is:

"The danger of the dark side is evident when we whisper our deadly laments."

It was written by Tyrus. So congrats on to him for taking first place in the comp. I like this motto but its up to you, the members, to decide if you want it to be the Battle team motto, if I don’t here from you then I will vote for you ;p. The Logo comp is still going on and will be going on until the seventh of the month. You will also be getting another competition from me released over the next few days; I just have to decide exactly what it will be. Most likely it will be about our base of operations, but then again, maybe not you will just have to wait and see.

Anyways, that’s it for this report. I encourage you all to contact me about the motto and to do the logo comp and some of the currently running House/Clan/DB comps.

Obelisk Templar Dranik (3417), House Gladius of Clan Tarentum.

~Special Magistrate to the Headmaster

~Envoy to House Gladius of Clan Tarentum

~Commander to The Soul Whisperers of House Gladius

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