<head> <title>AED Report 1</title> <style type="text/css"> body { font-family: arial, sans-serif; } table#total { background-color: black; border: 3px solid gold; width: 750; } td#titles { background-color: gold; height: 19px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; color: black; font-size: x-small; } td#text { background-color: black; line-height: 13px; padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px; color: gold; } td#textleft { background-color: black; line-height: 13px; padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px; color: gold; }
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<table id="total" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" align="center"> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">**::: Dark Jedi Brotherhood
:::**</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">
Oriens Obscurum Quaestor Report #2
24, September, 2006 </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">::QUA/OP Rade Tamalar Reporting::</td></tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">
Darkness, the eternal Dark Side incarnate!
Boo! :P No, not as in 'Boooo', but more like 'Boo' as in I'm popping in out of somewhere. :P Sorry, random
moment..;) Firstly, sorry this is a day late - my computers went freaky on me mid-day yesterday; finally going
again now, to full capacity. ;) So - great work and effort, my friends. I have come to the conclusion that you
guys will always give me your all, and give me your best, and that is the greatest gifts of all. Thank you. ;)
Onto the report, m8s. :P
General News
<li>Jac's REALLY REALLY DUMB competition is running! Check the news page for specifics. :D </li>
<li>The SIT is on today!! :D We have a lot of qualifiers, so lets kick some butt! :D </li>
Oriens Obscurum News
them! :D In November sometime (I imagine..:P), Oriens Obscurum will be battling it out with a House in the DB,
so get ready to spill some blood. :D
last..;) This weeks Victors de Obscurum are: Neophyte (1st), Drodik (2nd), and Ashura (3rd). Well done, all of
you! :D Medals are recced..;)
of that email to the Egroup, weekly. We've certainly got a lot that can be participated in, and we're going
to keep doing as great as we have been. :)
from now on, our AED Odin will be in charge of releasing and awarding Trivia. Congrats! :D He'll be hosting
this next week, and therefore you should have your questions soon. ;)
rate the performance of your BTLs, and this Summit. You'll also comment on what can be better, and such. ;)
Standing Orders
<li>Do something fun, and you better enjoy it! :D
<li>Make sure if you have an idea, we know about it! :D
<li>Have a fun time! :D</li>
you can do something there, please do. ;) House and BT competitions also work great, it shows your support for
what we're trying to accomplish. ;)
<li>Communication: I consider communicating with others and
specifically, your leaders, to be some activity. Please make sure your
opinions are voiced, and let us know what you enjoy; include any
suggestions. ;) Be sure to be on IRC, if and when you can. We love to get to chat with you guys! :)
<li>ICTE: The ICTE will be covered by teh Lucius. The ICTE is a great way to hone your skills..;)
<li>General Stuff: Your average game/acc matches played means you're doing stuff, and that's
something I love to hear about! ;) If you play a match or something with your buds.. make sure we know about
it. We would love to see your pwnage! :P Contribute to your clan, and help us get where we need to be.
I will from now on not include this in my report - primarily because Odin sends out a Competitions
Communique(jo) every week. ;)
Medal Report
Sight x1
Ashura x1
Callus x1
Ashura x1
Neophyte x1
Arturius x1
Odin Vaaj x2
Aturius x1
Rade "Venquis" Tamalar x3
Ashura x1
Warhunter x2
Rade "Venquis" Tamalar x2
Odin Vaaj x2
Jaxion x2
Qu Le Brog x2
Sight x7
JScumm x9
Scyrone x5
Another especially great week, from the gaming front, and competitions area! :D
Promotions Report
Neophyte -> PRT!! Congrats :D
Education Report
Krakkentharrar - History of the Sith Empire 1
Ashura - Pre-Republic History, History of the Sith Empire 1
JScumm - Lightsaber Studies
Callus - Lightsaber Studies
Dorn - AOL Instant Messanger
Jaxion - Obelisk CORE
Sacche Tuhl - IRC Basics, Pre-Republic History
Arturius - Leadership Applications, MSN Basics, Pre-Republic History, Marksmanship
Neophyte - Test of Wisdom, Advanced Test of Wisdom, Marksmanship, Lightsaber Studies, Obelisk CORE
Great work, all of you! :)
Antei Combat Centre
Arturius vs. Dalthid (Winner)
Neophyte vs. Selene (Winner)
Nice work! :D
Transfers Report
Etah to Galeres
Good job, everyone! ;) By the way, there are like two of you who are going to be booted at the end of the month
for being AWOL (John, Xester), so please get in contact! ;) I look forward to the Survey/Review that will
hopefully be released to the BTLs next week - they will send it downward..;) You guys are very good at what you
do, and I'm extremely proud! :D One thing I wish to remind you guys of, is to keep in touch with your BTLs - I
know they are really wanting to pass out the rewards, and it would help them to know more specifically anything
that they don't get a notification email of. So, that about wraps up this weekly report, keep it up!! =)
</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">::: In Dark Service :::</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">
**OP Rade "Venquis" Tamalar
Oriens Obscurum Quaestor**
:::!Darkness Forever!:::
</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">**::: House Oriens Obscurum, Clan Arcona, Dark Jedi Brotherhood
:::**</td> </tr> </table>
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