It's finally here, my first report as Consul of this great Clan. It took a while, and yes, I was supposed to do it last week. I was slacking, won't happen again. :P
I wanted to wait until I was fully settled to write my first report, and it took a bit longer than I anticipated. But from now on, you can be assured there'll be a report from my office every two weeks, on Sunday. Proconsul Quejo will write a report every week I'm not writing one, if all goes well. And I trust that it will.
Firstly, to those who don't fully know me or my background, here's me in a nutshell. I joined Arcona in 2001, and grew to like it here so much that I never left. I've been more or less continually in a leadership position since mid-2003, serving numerous times as BTL, once as Aedile and twice as Quaestor of Qel-Droma, twice as Proconsul, and now (after lots of unsuccesful attempts, I must say) as Consul. I've spent a long time getting here, and I intend to stay here for quite a while.
But I'm not Consul for myself - I'm Consul for you. No matter what happens, no matter how long I'll be in this position, remember this: I will always do what's best for the Clan. And I've got a wonderful team around me of people who I know will do the same. Together, I honestly think we can make this the era of Arcona.
And now, the regular report. I'd like to start with once again congratulating the people who were elevated into a new position this month. Proconsul Quejo, Oriens Obscurum Quaestor Venquis, Galeres Quaestor Psyko, Oriens Obscurum Aedile Odin Vaaj, and more recently, Galeres Rollmaster Malidir d'Tana. The leadership reshuffle that we underwent was huge, but I'm confident each and every one of you will do a great job.
Secondly, I'd like to congratulate the membership in general. In the past few weeks, a lot of you have been tremendously active, and I'm really very proud of you. Arcona continues to dominate the Gaming Nights and ICTEs, members (especially in Oriens Obscurum) have passed huge amounts of SA courses, and the numerous Clan/House/BT competitions are getting ample participation. Kudos to the entire Clan!
The achievements list reflects this activity level. Courtesy of our two RM/ENVs and Clan Envoy Selene, here's what the Arconans have accomplished in the past few weeks:
NOV Seti Armon APP NOV
NOV Sacche Tuhl APP NOV
ACO Krakkenthrrar NOV ACO
PRT Sight Nortonshin ACO PRT
GRD Arturius Tyr Klee ACO PRT: PRT GRD
NOV Etah - APP - NOV
PRT Oran Gootan CF x5
DJK Nadrin Jubolt CF x8
DJK Malidir D'Tana Cr-E; CF x95
DJK Kresh'taa LS
DJK Karel Bruth'Kothae Cr-A x2; CF x109
KP Selene d'Tana CF x10
KP Ktulu Mizheray Xyler Cr-S
OPM Koskian d'Tana Cr-A; LS; CF x3
ACO Granack Cr-Q; CF x4
ACO Qu-Le Brog CF x4
PRT Sight Nortorshin DC; Cr-S; CF x7
PRT Neophyte Cr-E
GRD JScumm LS x2; Cr-E x3; Cr-T; CF x15
GRD Arturius Tyr Klee LS; Cr-T x2
GRD Dorn Ty'Rodius Rayr CF x4
JH Odin Vaaj Bruth'Kothae LS x4; Cr-A; Cr-S x4; Cr-E; Cr-T x2; CF x13
JH Scyrone CF x8
DJK Devarios Kirill CF x18;
DJK Ashura "Megos" Isradia Cr-E; LS; CF
DJK Callus Bo'Amar Cr-E
OP Rade "Venquis" Tamalar Cr-A; LS x2; CF x25
OP Warhunter LS x2
SA Courses:
APP Dark Hollywood AOL Instant Messenger
DJK Malidir D'Tana History of the Sith Empire I
DJK Karel Bruth'Kothae Test of Agility
APP Etah Test of Wisdom, Advanced Test of Wisdom, Marksmanship; Lightsaber Studies; Alchemy Basics, Pre-Republic History; Leadership Studies; Leadership Applications; Leadership Fundamentals.
NOV Jaxion IRC Basics; HTML Basics; AOL Instant Messenger
NOV Sacche Tuhl ACC Initiates Course; IRC Basics; Pre-Republic History
ACO Krakkenthrrar History of the Sith Empire I; Training Saber Basics; Marksmanship; Sith Flight Studies II : ESET; ACC Initiates Course; Pre-Republic History; IRC Basics
PRT Sight Nortorshin Marksmanship; Leadership Applications; Pre-Republic History; History of the Sith Empire I; ACC Initiates Course; Conflict Mediation; Test of Wisdom
PRT Neophyte ACC Initiates Course; Leaderhsip Applications; Leadership Fundamentals; IRC Basics; Conflict Mediation; Training Saber Basics; Test of Wisdom; Lightsaber Studies; Advanced Test of Wisdom; Marksmanship
PRT Rich Gun Marksmanship
GRD JScumm Ligthsaber Studies
GRD Arturius Tyr Klee IRC Channel Operator Studies; AOL Instant Messenger; Conflict Mediation; Leadership Applications; MSN Messenger; Pre-Republic History; Marksmanship
GRD Bran Redmow Lightsaber Studies; Alchemy Basics; History of the Sith Empire I; Dark Jedi Meditation
GRD Dorn Ty'Rodius Rayr AOL Instant Messenger
GRD Xar'Kahn History of the Sith Empire I
DJK Ashura "Megos" Isradia Leadership Fundamentals; Alchemy Basics; Test of Wisdom; Pre-Republic History; History of the Sith Empire I
DJK Callus Bo'Amar Pre-Republic History; History of the Sith Empire I; Marksmanship; Lightsaber Studies
OT Drodik Va'lence al'Tor Pre-Republic History; History of the Sith Empire I; Marksmanship
OP Rade "Venquis" Tamalar Training Saber Basics; Krath Core
OP Warhunter Pre-Republic History; Marksmanship; History of the Sith Empire
Also, we've been pleasantly surprised by the arrival of a great deal of new members. They are:
New Members:
APP Titan
APP Spardan
APP Dark Hollywood
APP Uzuma
APP Exitus
APP Unholy
PRT Korenaga No Maragor
DJK Wolvie "the jackal"
APP Tranos
APP Etah
APP Kyron
APP Newil Jeti Rayr
APP itachi
APP Kath Banon
ACO Granack
ACO Krakkenthrrar
PRT Neophyte
GRD Bran Redmow
DJK Desdemonea
DJK Callus Bo'Amar
DJK Zadious
OT Drodik Va'lence al'Tor
OP Warhunter
KAP Vithril Isradia Kunar
KE Alex d'Tana
Now, as you probably know already, there are a number of interesting competitions running. I'd do the whole URL link thing, but it's almost 4am and I can't be bothered. I can, however, inform you with some amount of satisfaction that there are even more great competitions on their way. If you're in Soulfire or Bas-Tyra, you can prepare yourself for a BT War coming your way later this week. And for everyone in the Clan, there'll be a nice little comp released tomorrow: the WikiComp. In the interest of character development (and because we like to make you work hard >:)) Venquis and I will be calling for personal character bios in the new DB Wiki. Make them, send a link to Venquis and me, and the best three personal Wiki pages will win a nice shiny! More details forthcoming.
That's about it, I think. If I've left anything out, blame my current state of fatigue. If not, I hope you all have a great week. Keep going the way you are, and great things may happen. My next report will be in one week, since I'll be gone the weekend after that. Take care, everyone.
Signing off,
His Honour, Krath Pontifex Strategos Thanatos
Acuithar Khmarh Entharyi, di Tenebrous Arconae
Consul of Clan Arcona
KPN Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae (Krath)/CON/Clan Arcona [GMRG: CRU] [ACC: CL:3]
SB / GC-S-GS / SC-SoP / StA-LS / DC-LC-R / (GN) / (SNB) / (BNAg) / Cr-2D-1R-12A-9S-3E-1T-1Q / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF-GoF-PlF-WF-BF / ECF-BlF / LSG / DSS / SI-SoW-SoL / SoL-TC / S:-18M-1R-4C-15D
{SA: U:TL - U:TS - G:L - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:MSN - K:GS - O: MRK - G:TS - L:PRH}
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