Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

I've got alot to do so I'll get straight into this report:

The CSP conclave notes are out, check your mail for them.

The house run-on is still going, feel free to post after I do


Kol Tatsu (Obelisk)

Old Rank: Apprentice (APP)

New Rank: Novice (NOV)

Lusankya (Sith)

Old Rank: Battlemaster (SBM)

New Rank: Battlelord (SBL)

Excellent Lusankya, It's great to have you here :)


Malaki has been awarded 9 CFs

Cethgus won 4

Tyno won 53, lol

Zeron and Tyno also won a Leigon of the Scholar each.

SA courses


Advanced Test of Wisdom

Sith Core

Test of Wisdom

History of the Sith Empire I

Conflict Mediation


Lightsaber Studies


Test of Wisdom

Force Philosophy

Prajna Berkana

Lightsaber Studies

Member of the week this week is Tyno, congrats.

That's it from me.

Quaestor Impetus

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