Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Hellooooooooooo Galerians!

Alright, another week(or two for those of you keeping track), another report (yah, late for those of you keeping tack, once more). We've had some new arrivals, Etah and Eclipse most notable in their making an impression, as well as the return of Wolvie. We have several comps going, the RO, the Armor fiction comp, and the Funny Fiction comp....

Heres the current comps:

Title: Make Your QUA Giggle like a school girl

Requested By: OPM Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana Arconae

Specifics: What I want:

A piece of fiction, in any form or format, on any DB related Topic, that makes me wet myself laughing.....I've got shinies....

Start Date: 9/14/2006

End Date: 10/14/2006

Unit in Competition: House Galeres

Platforms: Fiction

Awards: 4th Level Crescents to the top 3 submitters!

Title: Galeres CF War!

Requested By: OPM Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana Arconae

Specifics: From this date (whenever you read this), till the last day of September, the 30th, I will be tracking Cluster of Fires rewarded to Galereians for competing in DB events!

Whoever has the most at the end, and second most, will be rewarded! So go kick some tail for Galeres

Start Date: 9/9/2006

End Date: 9/30/2006

Unit in Competition: House Galeres

Platforms: Any DB MP supported platform that rewards CFs

Awards: Fourth level Crescents

Title: Galeres Run-On


A run-on to boost activity and create a little more House history.

Start Date: 9/17/2006

End Date: 10/17/2006

Unit in Competition: House Galeres





4th level Crescents for top 3 writers.

Now, go and do!

Anyways, the Soulfire vs Bas-Tyra has begun, and Soulfire is obviously gonna win, so go Soulfire! :P

Anyways, I'm always open to suggestion, so send me stuff. Also, anybody has content they'd like to see on the upcoming webpage that Slagar (Kressh'ta) is making, send it to me soon, eh?


OPM Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana Arconae (Obelisk)/GC-QUA/Galeres of Arcona [ACC: CL:3]

GC / SC / StA-WG / DC-KC-O-CS-D / (SNAg) / (BNAg) / Cr-1A-1E-1T / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF / LSAu / SI / S:-8M-8C-16D

{SA: U:TL - G:AIM - G:MED - O: MRK - L:PRH}

Marshall of the Arconan Armed Forces

Master of the Spork

Enforcer of the d'Tana Family

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