Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hello everyone. I can't say that I'm exactly "happy" with the current activity levels of the BT. I had only one trivia entry, and I know more than three of you are active. I have yet to decide if I want to award the participant with some type of reward. I myself have been extrememly busy lately, and haven't played any JO/JA in at least a week. Hopefully I can start playing again next weekend and get my activity level back up to where it usually is.

I realized that I'm not sure where you all are in terms of promotions/acitivity, basically what you like to do. I know DarkAmiz and Rannik are working on their Dark Jedi Trials, so it's kind of a free-for-all with them. In terms of the Equites and Elders in Hex, I can't say I know what your given "specialty" is. I'm asking for each person to reply to this report with brief explanation of what you've been doing lately, whether it's fiction, runons, gaming, ACC, etc. A couple sentence will do.

DarkAmiz was promoted to Protector, congratulations! Other than that, not much Hex news. A website I have been frequenting a lot lately was the HRLD's website. Lots of cool stuff there, might wanna check it out.

That's about it for now, Sklib out.

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