Greetings Fellow Members of Clan Scholae Palatinae,
I am Krath Archpriest RevengeX Palpatine, the new Quaestor (QUA) of House Acclivis Draco (HAD). With this change in leadership positions, I first wish to announce that I am opening the position of Battle Team Leader (BTL) for Drynwyn's Flame (DF) for applications. Please note that you must send applications to both me and your Aedile, Rasilvenaira StormRaven (whose email is [Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Here are some guidelines that would be nice if they are fulfilled by the applicant:
* At least the rank of Guardian
* At least the rank of Sentinel in the ACC
* Have at least a time of 4 months within the DJB
* Knowledgeable in HTML and CSS
* Have a desire to promote writing and the ACC in Battle Team competitions
* Be willing to work with the House and Clan Summits, and possibly the other BTL
* Be able to take constructive criticism
In your application, you should tell me who you are, what you get out of this, what you want for the BT (if anything), what you want to do for the BT, and any possible plans you would like to implement. Remember, the list above is ONLY guidelines. You may apply if you are a Novice (though that wouldn't necessarily be recommended as you are new to the club).
The second order of business is in this email is that I am ALWAYS available for suggestions (from competitions to me responding to email), help, questions, comments, dolphins, concerns and even death threats (though that wouldn't be recommended either). You can contact me through this email address or you can catch me on IRC. Help can be about the DJB or even in real life if you think I could be of assistance. Now, since I'm open for the things listed above, you've got to be open for telling me that you are on LoA. It is of dire importance that you tell me whenever you go on LoA so that I can mark you down for being on an excused absence so that you don't get transferred off to the Rogues when you're gone.
The third order of business is that ALL members of HAD should send me weekly (or bi-weekly or monthly or bi-monthly, depending on your preference) activity ledgers that marks their dolphins activity during that particular amount of time. This way, I can easily keep track of your activity and make sure that you are awarded and promoted appropriately. If I receive your activity ledger, I will ALWAYS respond with this message: "Thank you. I have received your activity ledger." (or maybe something a bit more personalized) within 48 hours (with the exception being when I'm on LoA (which should be announced beforehand)). If you don't get a reply within 48 hours, please resend! I believe our Clan Summit would also like a copy of these (I'm sure they'll have more information on this later on, so don't send it to them quite yet).
The fourth and final order of business in this email is the most important article (or at least it is in my opinion). R-E-S-P-E-C-T. It doesn't matter if it's someone with one day in the DJB or a decade. It doesn't matter if someone's a GM or an APP. It doesn't matter if it's someone on the Dark Council or the lowest Tyro in a Battle Team. Respect is my greatest emphasis that I would like to impress on everyone reading this email. Although you may not agree with someone, it is important that you respect them and their ideas because they may have several good reasons for believeing something. This will apply to Summit members and House Members (note the capital "M"; it is a powerful position) and everyone in between. If that person is not in the House or Clan, it is still majorly imperative to respect them and their dolphins.
Now, on to the beer! Rejoice my fellow Dark Jedi, for an age of prosperity shall envelop our House!
P.S. Kudos to anyone who can figure out how many times I mentioned dolphins. :D
KAP RevengeX Palpatine (Krath)/TET-EP/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: CL:3]
GC / SC / StA-WG / DC-LC / (GN) / (SN) / (BN) / Cr-3A-4S-5E-2T-3Q / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF / ECF / LSAg / DSS / SI-SoW / SoL / S:-4Al-9C-17D
{SA: U:TL - U:TW - G:L - G:CM - G:LA - G:LF - G:IRC - G:MSN - G:HTML1 - G:SC - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - K:POET - K:RO - O:CORE - O: MRK - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - G:SB - G:TS - L:PRH - L: FPH - L:HS1}
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