Aedile Report


Aedile Report

The Dinaari Report

Okay Ladies and Gentlemen, we're doing things a little bit differently this time, possibly for as long as I'm in office. I actually took the time to make it look good, so enjoy it, though I may have to include the good looking one as an attachment, so check it out, see if it works the way I want it to. Either way, ON WITH THE DINAARI REPORT.

Dark Brotherhood News:

For you DJK+ out there check out the new Armor available to us. Apparently everyone at or above DJK has been issued a suit of this armor, so.....yeah...go check it out. Muz did a great job on them as usual.

Lucius has stepped down from ICTE Tribune and applications are being taken. Check out the DB news page if you're interested.

Clan Taldryan News:

Tal Times out sometime in the near future(ahem....Ben....)

Tally results are in! Here's the winners:

Best Krath: Alanna

Best Obelisk: Duga

Best Sith: Crix

Best Dark Jedi: Duga

Best Leader: Duga

Best Newcomer: Ricco Vao

Most Dedicated: Alanna

Most Active: Ricco

People's Choice: Alanna

For our amazing victory in GJW 6, we have received a brand spanking new ship(a Venator-Class Star Destroyer to be specific) as well as a staggering amount of support vessels including, but not limited to 216 V-Wing starfighters, 40 LAAT Gunships, 35 ARC-170's, and a lot more. If there was ANY doubt, there is none now...


House Dinaari News:

Sadly, there's not much going on in the House yet. The normal gaming nights(Tuesday Night, Thursday night, and Sunday) and such are, of course running. Kraval and I, and possibly FK, will start getting those competitions I warned you about during the War going.

In the meantime, Fire-Knight has managed to come up with a pretty good run-on pretense. Go check it out on the message board and contribute.

Survival on Volcanus

Both Journeymen and DJK+ are receiving medals for this. I do not know if there will be a separate bracket or not for DJK+ and Journeymen, but the competition is now officially open to us old farts out there. NOW POST!!!

Basically, it's been a very slow month. Of course when one considers that there isn't a GJW going on right now it only follows that this month would seem quieter. Keep up the good work that IS being done, especially you Journeymen, and always remember that if you have any questions, Kraval, FK and I either know the answers or know who does.

For Taldryan!!!

DJK Apollyon "Odium" Dinaarius

Aedile of House Dinaari

Defender of Dinaari

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