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<table id="total" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" align="center"> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">**::: Dark Jedi Brotherhood
:::**</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">
Oriens Obscurum Quaestor Report #5
15, October, 2006 </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">::QUA/OP Rade Tamalar Reporting::</td></tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">
Darkness, the eternal Dark Side incarnate!
What's up, everyone? :) Report number 5, and I just got back from an all-day trip to Oklahoma City, so I'm
pretty worn out, gotta get things settled back here, however. :) We've received several surveys, so kudos to
those who sent it in, thanks. :P The Summit has come to the decision to hold a House AWOL Check, which will
last until the 29th, two weeks from now. In this check, I'm going to personally email every member of the House
and request that they reply at their earliest ability with some information about how they're doing. Replying
to me will be what indicates if you stay or not, so please do reply. :) Great job to everyone who did stuff
this week, please press onward. =P
General News
<li>I am the new Gaming Tribune, yeeeeeeeeah!! :)</li>
<li>Kaek is pushing forward several new MAA Policies, so please make sure to read them.</li> <li>Galeres AED will be announced as soon as Koskian returns from LoA.</li> <li>There's going to be at least one awesome new SA Course released (waiting for GM approval) within the next 2
weeks, hopefully, so check that out. :D</li>
Oriens Obscurum News
don't care so much about winners as submitters, so you'll be hearing from us more than the last week on them
(The HOO Weekly is an AWESOME way to get info on comps, so have a look). :)
We are still taking Surveys, so please send them in to us.
Bas Tyra vs. Soulfire still goes on, and as of it's extension, the pressure rises..... =)
With an AWOL check starting today, I'm going to personally head it up by contacting every member and
requesting a reply with some info on how they are doing, so please expect it and reply as soon as is you're
able. :)
Fiction (topic is the escalating tension between Galeres and our House), so please try to send something in.
Standing Orders
<li>Do something fun, and you better enjoy it! :D
<li>Make sure if you have an idea, we know about it! :D
<li>Have a fun time! :D</li>
you can do something there, please do. ;) House and BT competitions also work great, it shows your support for
what we're trying to accomplish. ;)
<li>Communication: IRC is fun, we are fun, you are fun, we're all fun - so, we love to chat, please get on and
talk up a storm! :P
<li>ICTE: The ICTE will be covered by Karel with Lucius' resignation from Tribune (its open to
apps!). The ICTE is a great way to just have some fun (especially with upgraded awards :D). It was yesterday,
but there is always another week. :)
<li>General Stuff: Your average game/acc matches played means you're doing something, and that is
great, so make sure you have your fun! :D</li>
I will from now on not include this in my report - primarily because Odin sends out a Competitions
Communique(jo) every week. ;)
Medal Report
JScumm x1
JScumm x4
Odin Vaaj x32
Vladimir x3
Venquis x2
Ashura x1
Odin Vaaj x1
Jaxion x1
JScumm x1
Obviously a great period of time for Gaming, so great work!! :)
Promotions Report
Fionn (Locutov) -> NOV!!
Coolness :P
Education Report
Desdemonea - History of the Sith Empire 1
Fionn - ACC Initiates
Antei Combat Centre
Teh nadda?
Transfers Report
Great gaming, guys!!! :D Odin, you flippin do a LOT, and I appreciate it a lot - GREAT WORK! Everyone, please
note that your Aedile pwns. :) This next week is going to be where I talk to all of you personally, so please
watch for it, and be ready to come back and have an awesome time. :) Oh yeah, the rewards for September,
however crazily late they are, will be here. :) Have a fun time, everyone! :) (Can I smile enough???
</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">::: In Dark Service :::</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="text" align="center">
**OP Rade "Venquis" Tamalar
Oriens Obscurum Quaestor**
:::!Darkness Forever!:::
</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="titles" align="center">**::: House Oriens Obscurum, Clan Arcona, Dark Jedi Brotherhood
:::**</td> </tr> </table>
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