Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report



Man, you must all think me an idiot by now. I've missed a huge amount of my responsibilities as a BTL, and I'm sorry for that. Real life is, as always, doing everything to hinder me. However, I promise that I shall keep up with what is asked of me or step down.

I have been amazed, Victus, by your efforts of late. Before the merging of the teams, I usually only recieved an entry from one person for any competition. Now, however, I have recieved many. It brings me pride to know that, in my tenure as BTL, I could be amongst such skilled and devoted members as you.

On to important matters. We have many important things ahead. Our history needs expansion, and as I have neglected it, it has begun to grow stagnant. Also, I have large plans for this team, and I will soon call on some of our talents.

Commander's Orders:

  1. Make friends. This is a battleTEAM, and we need to enforce this. I wish for all of you to speak to and become familiar with everyone on this team, and whether you found this on the forums, mIRC, E-mail, or even in the ACC, you should all be at least acquaintances.

  2. Learn your lore. The Star Wars Universe is huge and diverse and, as this is a SW based club, we should know whatever we can about it. Therefore, I want all of you to learn as much SW lore as you can. I will make Lore comps in the future, and I expect you all to be prepared.

  3. Sharpen your skills. In all that you do, all that you enjoy, be it in RL or in the DJB, you will find it more enjoyable with a measure of skill. Remember, even the most well-crafted blade needs sharpening once in a while.

  4. Achieve Knighthood. For Dax, Sunflash, and DS, I am greatful that you have moved as far as the Equite ranks and still have the humility to act as a BT member. To our Journeymen, I wish for you all to attempt to reach DJK in as speedy a time as you can.

Congratulatory Section:

I'll be out of breath before this is over, so this time I'll go member by member.

Congratulations go out to Achilles, firstly. I don't think I've ever seen anyone else getting so much press recently. Not only did you participate amazingly in the recent competitions, you've also earned a Star of Antei and have completed work on Morroth's description and history.

Congrats to Vexer, as well. You've won an ACC battle, completed two Shadow Academy exams, earned a crescent, and you placed first in all of my competitions. Not only that, you were considerate enough to provide multiple entries in case of low participation. All in all, I feel you've reminded me of why you're a FL.

Congratulations to Eton Jade on his promotion to Guardian. It lifts my spirits to see such a deserving member come a step closer to knighthood. Good work, Eton, I look forward to when you lift your blade amongst the other knights of the Brotherhood.

Congratulations to Niman Master. You've shown devotion and humility. You pushed yourself to the limits attempting to win my competitions, you continue to be a friendly prescence on mIRC, and you've shown that Victus has a gaming edge to it through your recent Cluster of Fire. Great work!


  1. The three H'es. Honor, honesty, and humility. Exercise these, and you will do well.

  2. Follow the rules. I mean everyone's rules. Follow them, please.

  3. Majority rules. If something is wanted by you for the team, talk to the members. If the majority is for it, my opinion means crap.

  4. Keep me informed. As my email has shown the usefulness of a drunken ape recently, I need to hear about what's been going on. This way, I can give you all your due.

  5. Use your voice. Any complaints, questions, or other such things can be directed my way.


I devote myself to my responsibilities. If I find that RL keeps me from my job as much as this again, I'll see the truth and step down. I signed up for this job, if I can't do it, I'll cut free the fat and let someone else run the show.

Congratulations to Achilles, Vex, Eton, Niman, and all of the rest of you. This is what I hoped for when I took the team, and more still. Keep it up, and this team will be the foundation of Satal Keto's and, eventually, Plagueis' strength.

Sola Vox!

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