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:: Clan Plagueis PCON Report :: </td>
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<font size="5">Clan Plagueis PCON Report #<!-- #BeginEditable "repno" -->9<!-- #EndEditable --></font>
<!-- #BeginEditable "date" -->28 October<!-- #EndEditable -->, 2006
<td style="background-color: black; border-bottom: 1px solid darkred; border-top: 1px solid darkred; height: 16px; line-height: 12px;" align="center">
:: **From PCON/SBM Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor** :: </td>
<td style="background-color: black; padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;">
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~ As always, #plagueis is rated PG-13, so any sex talk or excessive cursing will be handled with a kick or ban. I don't mind some cursing, but there are nastier words that I hate, as well as a limit that many of you have been pushing lately. One or two curses here and there isn't a problem, but if you do it over and over again and people start complaining then it is a problem. Also, I myself do not tolerate the F-word, so I'd recommend not using that at all. House summit members have the ability to kick members who curse excessively or talk about sex, and then Sarin and I are able to ban those who continue to do it even after being warned a number of times. Also, to all those that join #plagueis, if you ever see Lenzar in any form you are to ban him immediately.
~ The Protector of Plagueis ACC Ladder is now over. Sarin and I are very dissappointed with the activity in this competition. We're trying to help you all, and we're doing a lot to get there, but if you can't hold up your end of the bargin then how can you expect us to? Kal and Achilles were both awarded Clusters of Fire since they were the only ones to actually finish a match, but besides that every match timed out. Due to this, no crescents for titles will be given out. Next time we run something like this, only sign up if you plan to actually participate.
~ The Kitten Cannon competition ended this past week with an amazing nineteen submissions. This just shows that you all can be active, you just have to put forth the effort to be active. This competition was probably the most popular we've had in a while, so expect more like it in the near future. However, you still need to get to where you do more then shoot a kitten out of a cannon every now and then.
~ Remember to keep on gaming if you can! Clan Plagueis has been really active gaming lately, although still not a whole lot, it's been great if you ask me. We have about five people plus myself who have been gaming every week, and I'm proud of you all for doing so. To the rest of you, get on out there and game for the clan, and if you can't game then participate in the ten other competitions out there right now!
~ We need to get active. I'm really not feeling up to writing some long reason for why we need to do that, but we need to get active. That's all there is to it. None of you can say we don't give you enough opportunities because if anything we give more since we're trying to get somewhere. Just get active.
~ Due to some members not knowing to behave at times, the clan summit has agreed to make the clan IRC channel op only those Aedile and up in leadership rankings. The Council of the Wise will also be opped, however. Our all ops policy has been in effect since Chi left the clan I believe, and while we all loved it we can't have it if people abuse the powers given to them by the almighty ops. Right now the current policy will change, but if everyone is good Sarin might just decide to let you all have ops again one day.
~ Remember to join IRC tomorrow for a Special Edition of Plagueis Trivia: mIRC Edition. This special night of trivia will have fifteen questions all about Halloween, with the same awards of two LSs being offered to first and second. Also, I understand some websites may offer different answers to some of my questions. As such, I'm going to be really nice. I'm going to give you all the website I used when writing my trivia. You can read the information, possible memorize, and then come tomorrow night you'll know everything without even having to use Google. This doesn't happen often, so I suggest you make use of it. Halloween History Website. Look, it's even got some music you can play while reading it :P
~ Check out the Clan BT Website, linked from the clan website! It now has both of our BT's histories, and will soon have even more! Our BTs are once again starting to reintroduce themselves and a worth while unti!
~ As always, there's a ton of projects being worked on right now, the majority of which can all be found on the Clan Calendar, which Sarin and I update frequently, and the other leaders should start using
<font color="darkred">****</font>
Tons of awards, promotions, and courses were passed this last week. I'm very proud of you all, keep up the good work!
Raken: LS x1 - (E)Crescent x1
Sarin: LS x1 - DSS x1 - CF x2
Niman: DC x1 - CF x6 - (T)Crescent x1
Salth: StA x1
Jaden: (E)Crescent x1 - CF x2
Tolter: (T)Crescent x1 - (Q)Crescent x1
Lena: (Q)Crescent x1
Orzon: LS x1
Koga: (A)Crescent x1 - (S)Crescent x2 - (T)Crescent x1
Vexer: (S)Crescent x6 - (E)Crescent x1 - (Q)Crescent x1
Ky: CF x1
Eton: (T)Crescent x2 - (E)Crescent x1
Achilles: (E)Crescent x2 - (T)Crescent x1 - CF x1
Dismal: (E)Crescent x1
Scorpius: (Q)Crescent x1
DS: (E)Crescent x1
Kal: CF x2
Tyren: (T)Crescent x1
Bre-ma: Novice
Saidyn: Novice
Vexer: Guardian
Laigerick: Novice
Shadow Academy
Niman: Pre-Republic History - Astronomy - Force Philosophy - Krath CORE - Dark Jedi Meditation
Achilles: Astronomy
Saidyn: ACC Initiates - IRC Basics - AOL Instant Messenger
Sadonyx: Astronomy
Raken: Astronomy
Orzon: Astronomy
~ The DJB Wiki is a great tool for all members. I recommend you all to go make your character page. Also, I am working on getting a lot of the pages updated that I've already been working on, as well as creating even more pages. Right now I have a team of three people that are helping me, but if you'd like to help with CP's Wiki articles just talk to me through email or IRC and I'll hook you up. Expect an update on our pages sometime next week. This, along with the clan epic, are probably my biggest projects right now.
~ This weekend I will be going through the HEK, HSK, CP, PC, and BT websites and making sure everything is up to date. I'll email the clan when I'm finished, and then you all can take a lot and tell me if I missed anything. It's going to take a while, though, since I'll be going through the files of five different websites.
~ The Plagueis Chronicle is now accepting articles for the November/December issue. If you have any questions about what you think should be included, feel free to email me or PM me about it. Also, I'm not sure what I'm going to do about the October issue right now. Bubba, my coder, is AWOL right now, so what I'm thinking of doing is putting all the articles from the October issue into the November/December issue. That seems like my only option as of now, unless someone good at coding would like to help me out.
~ The Clan Epic I'm working on right now is going really well. Orzon is helping me with it, and I've been brainstorming how it will all fold out. All I can say is lots and lots of battles both in space and on the ground! I can also tell you it will be a huge run-on devided into three parts, and that write now the story itself is turning out to be around twenty pages. Yeah, I know, clan epic.
~ The Clan Summit (That means Sarin, Orzon, and myself) are currently working on a new promotion guideline system. I can't let too much out right now, but I can tell you that it will be a lot simplier and easier, the system itself. Promotions will most likely take a bit longer and be a bit harder to achieve, but all that is required with the MAA's new policies. We hope to release it in the beginning of November.
~ As usual, if you want to know everything that the leaders are currently working on, then look on the Clan Calendar. Here is where everything is listed, so I highly suggest that you use it as much as possible.
DB-wide Competitions
"Sunday Tournament" (Every Sunday!)
"Tuesday Tournament" (Every Tuesday!)
"Thursday Tournament" (Every Thursday!)
"Inter-club Training Event" (Every Saturday!)
Internal Clan/House Competitions
Plagueis Weekly Caption Contest Part Deux
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:: **In Dark Service to the Brotherhood** :: </td>
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I have an Open-Door policy, so people are welcome to see me at any time about anything.
<font color="red">Clan Plagueis Proconsul Sith Battlemaster Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor</font>
<font color="red">"_"A leader is nothing without people to lead.
Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
Seeing isn't Believing; Believing is Seeing."_"
::Life and Death through Darkness ::
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** :: Clan Plagueis :: **</td>
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