Good news everyone! The Dark Brotherhood seems to be doing quite well and our plans for the future are proceeding well (albeit a bit slower than I wanted). When all is ready for prime time, members of the DB will have an unprecedented amount of activities and customizations available to them. In the coming weeks, some of you will be contacted to serve as testers for some of those projects. Exciting times are ahead of us!
The Antei Combat Centre is proving to be very popular so far. If you haven't given it a try, I suggest you look it up. I'm sure there are plenty of people available to teach you the finer points of the ACC. I'm also certain that many of those people are itching to fight newcomers and show them who's the boss.
A small clarification about the Guilds. The approval process is pretty much automatic if you have the 15-20 people interested in playing the game. So, ideally, you find the people and THEN you submit the whole thing for approval. Also, remember that our primary focus remains Star Wars games (including SW MODs for other games). Guilds for games without a SW theme are fine, but the whole point of this exercise is to provide some help for our members who want to play something else every now and then. I certainly play other games such as Unreal Tournament 2003, Age of Empires 2, Freelancer, just to name a few. So take advantage of this and get playing.
Due to their excellent performances in their positions, I have decided to award Deputy Grand Master Jac Ae-Sequira Cotelin with a Diamond Sword and I have promoted Pontifex Voranyen to the rank of Dark Adept. Voranyen has a long history of service to the Dark Brotherhood and his recent work as Proconsul of Clan Arcona was the perfect complement to his previous work. Congratulations to both!
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Yaaaaaaay Jac and Vor! :D
Hehe.... I think Jac has every medal now, and Vor is FINALLY DA. :)
DA Voranyen. that'll take getting used to... he was KPN so long that the title had become part of his name!
Congrats man, that should have come a year earlier!
At least a year! Congrats man. I hope Arcona throws a big party for you :o)
I don't think it's fair! KPN was like the Vor rank!
If somebody made KPN, they always thought "Wow! Now I'm just as cool as Vor!".
Now it's even harder to feel so special :-P
Yay Vor! You finally got that DA rank! Yo DA man </bad pun> :P
And yay sexy-Jac! Your smile still out-shines that sword though :P
Four years and a hundred recommendations later... Congrats Vor :P
Yaaay Vor! Took you long enough to get promoted :P
Two of the best.... Congratulations Voranyen, thoroughly deserved mate. Same to you Jac - keep up all your good work!