Seneschal Report


Seneschal Report

A hello from the Seneschal!

<span style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', Verdana, Arial; color: #60c;">An introduction</span>

I would like to introduce myself since I was appointed the Seneschal. I would first like to thank Jac for his trust in me. I hope I won't disappoint anyone here.

Many people get confused about my name. I am Xia Long, but usually go by Sildrin. ;)

Surely many people don't know me, nor ever heard of my name. I could now start a long story about my career here in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, but that is surely not what most want to know about me. I will start about a few details that were reasons for my appointment; I won't start with anything about my character - you can read that stuff anyways on the DBWiki (clicky here for the page).

<span style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', Verdana, Arial; color: #60c;">My skills</span>

I first wanted to study art, but ended up as a trainee in web developement / software developement. I then programmed in ASP and Visual Basic for a software that was based on MS Access and a MS SQL database. I wrote many database reports and learned a lot about databases. After ending 1 year earlier than usual my trainee time, I moved to a new place and found a job as a fulltime web developer / software developer. Currently I work in a team of all in all 25 people that work on the 3rd biggest webshop in Germany (after ebay and amazon).

For a couple of years I was a technical project manager. Which basically means that I was responsible to calculate projects, how much they would cost, how much time they would take, who should program them and in what way they should be programmed. Additionally I programm parts of those projects myself. Additionally I do the webpages, programming in the backend and frontend of this Intershop webshop system.

I am a little guru in HTML and CSS (WC3). I know about PHP and ASP. I do know basic things in C, C++, Java, JSP. I work/worked with MS SQL, My SQL, Oracle databases. Additionally I had the chance to learn a bit about Zope and the CMS RedDot.

<span style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', Verdana, Arial; color: #60c;">My plans for the future</span>

Besides wanting to rule over the whole galaxy, I will also work on the DJB webpage to make improvents for the members, to make it as easy as possible for all of us to do our daily jobs here. I am currently reading all those informations and documents that exist about the DJB page, ask people a lot of questions how all this stuff works. Which is quite a lot. I also check out all those options I have on my administration page - kinda scary how many there are. I barely dare to touch anything, being too afraid to damage anything :D.

In between I am already working on some parts of this website, improving them - which is currently the competition page: adding sorting, search functions, more displayed informations,...

I will try to keep you informed about what I do, though I won't and can't give out all the details, since I don't want to bore people with code excerpts. ;) An own homepage for me is an interesting topic, but I rather spend my time with improving the DJB webpage itself.

Thats currently for it now,


People who find any typos or grammar errors in this text can keep them :)

<span style="color:#60c;"> KAP Xia Long (Krath)/SCL/Dark Council [ACC: CL:1]

Krath Archpriestess Sildrin Sadow, Daughter of Sadow

Xia Long, Apprentice of Shan Long</span>

What madness is this? This has to be a halloween trick.

:P I don't think ive ever seen a Seneschal report before in the 2 and a half years ive been here.

hah Congrats once again Xia

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