Welcome to the first report from the Office of the Fiction Tribune. Yes, I know it was a long time in coming. But this week, finally, we have some new developments to report - or at least, we've decided we're going to report them. :P
The Fiction Staff has finally been chosen, hopefully for the duration. Draken-Korin, Kraval and Malidir will be serving on the Fiction Staff and helping with assorted projects around the office.
We finally have a website! Go to http://fiction.darkjedibrotherhood.com/ and check it out. Many thanks to Jac for hosting the site, Dalthid for making the template and Windos for walking me through how to use Dreamweaver. :P
We have many, many competitions going on right now. News posts were made about all of them earlier in the week. Details on all competitions can be found on the Fiction Tribune site or at the Fiction Tribune Blog.
Ongoing Competitions
November Monthly Topics (until November 31)
Fiction Tribune's Epic Competition (until January 31, 2007)
Fiction Tribune's Halloween Competition (until November 5)
October Monthly Topics (until November 4)
Erinyes has been consulting with the Shadow Academy and members on the development of fiction in the Brotherhood, including types of competitions, writing resources and standards of evaluation. She has also completed the first round of work on the Fiction Tribune site.
Draken-Korin has been working with Anshar on the Writer's Corner. The reincarnated version has gotten off the ground due to their hard work. Go to the Writer's Corner forum and take a look around if you're interested.
KRaval has begun work on the Fiction Tribune's Archive. More details on the (new!) Fiction Tribune site.
Malidir has taken over the day-to-day management of the Monthly Topics.
That's all from us for this week!
Krath Pontifex Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama
Dark Brotherhood Fiction Tribune
On behalf of the Office of the Fiction Tribune
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