Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

_ Vladek sat on an uncomfortable arm chair, tasting the pre-war air. Sighing heavily, he drew out a data recorder and typed in a message to his members._

Welcome to another report, Raptors of Marka Ragnos!

Today's Schedule includes:

**1: Promotions, Awards and Exams

2: Roster

3: General Rant

4: Competitions


Promotions, Awards and Exams

Vladek - Awarded an SOI and a Crescent with Emerald Star!

Kemp - Passed Marksmanship, Sith Core, Training Saber Basics and promoted to NOV then ACO!!!

Good to know I've got at least one active member. :P


Krath Tetrarch Vladek

Krath Tyro Kemp

_Krath Tyro Lech

Obelisk Trooper Trolloc

Obelisk Trooper D Draconis

Sith Flight Member Ragnarok


General Rant

I lost both the ACC battles I went into, so I'm pretty pissed about that, and I'm back at school, but I'm still here to talk to if anyone needs advice :P. I've also asked Thorin to remove you AWOL people from here. AWOL people have no place in this BT. But except for AWOL People, Losing at ACC and being back at school, my life is running quite smoothly.


Star Wars Comics

Make your own Beastie!

Naga Sadow Trivia Challenge

Fiction Tribune's Halloween Competition

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