House Caliburnus Report for week ending 11/04/2006
Unit News
Firstly, my reports are about to become a bit more interesting:
I'm indroducing a fiction section where each week I'll reveal more of my history, until the plotline of my character's history is complete. Then I'll think of something else.
I'll start with the start of her life:
4 ABY - A twi'leki girl is born into royalty on the harsh planet of Ryloth. Her father, a light Jedi, refuses to train her in the ways of the force. Even as only a young girl, her frustration grows as she develops a lust to use the Force.
Now for some proper news:
There'll be a big competition coming up soon across the whole of CSP. Keep your eyes open for details from the Clan Summit.
Unit Competitions
DB Competitions
SA Trivia
As often as possible, but no more than once per week, the Shadow Academy will host a DB wide, weekly trivia event.
The target time will be each Saturday at 1:00 EST; however, the time may vary. The HM or the P:HM will make any proper announcements regarding a time change.
Each trivia event shall consist of at least 15 questions (no more than 25) on various topics, all related to the DB or Star Wars.
If the HM or Praetor is unavailable to run the trivia, another member of the SA staff will be given the chance to do so.
Requested By: DA Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Start Date: 11/2/2006
End Date: 11/2/2007
Unit in Competition: Entire DJB
Platforms: IRC
Awards: Legions of the Scholar
November MTs
Alright, here's the scoop on the Monthy Topics. November's Monthly Topic is "Training". Training is an integral part of a Dark Jedi's life. It is only through training that we can both remain in peak shape and learn new aspects of the Force. While there are surely many different schools of thought within the Dark Brotherhood that pertain to training, please describe your own for us. This can take the form of a specific past training experience, or as a more general description of a typical training day.
As usual, there will be fiction, poetry and graphics divisions. Fiction should be minimum 1.5 pages at TNR or Arial 12-point (or equivalent), poetry is freestyle and graphics should be no larger than 800x600.
Requested By: KPN Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama
Start Date: 11/2/2006
End Date: 11/30/2006
Unit in Competition: Entire DJB
Awards: Second-level Crescents.
Comments: Please send all entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with the subject line "November MTs" and your ID line and PIN included in the body of the e-mail.
Fiction Tribune's Epic Competition
This will be an epic fiction competition with a minimum entry length of 10 pages. There are no restrictions on the topic so long as it is DB-related, includes your character relatively directly and is appropriate for public comsumption. Entries will be graded by the Fiction Tribune, so Fiction Staff are welcome to participate.
Requested By: KPN Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama
Start Date: 11/1/2006
End Date: 2/1/2007
Unit in Competition: Entire DJB
Awards: First-level Crescents. Second-level Crescents are given in regular MTs, and a minimum of ten pages is a lot of work.
Comments: Send all entries to dbfictiontribune [at] gmail [dot] com.
Fiction Tribune's Halloween Competition
Write a short story (5 pages or less) about a DB Halloween party. Who will have the scariest costume this year? Entries will be marked by the Fiction Tribune, so Fiction Staff are allowed to participate. Extra points for scarier costumes. The scariest costume will be posted when the winners are announced.
Requested By: KPN Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama
Start Date: 10/29/2006
End Date: 11/5/2006
Unit in Competition: Entire DJB
Awards: Third-level Crescents
Comments: Please send all entries to dbfictiontribune [at] gmail [dot] com.
ACCLive! Tournament
Begins on the 3rd of October
Battles fought/counted only on Saturdays and Sundays
Ladder/Bracket Format
Single elimination until final
2+2 stnd Live! battle formats
[CL:1] or higher to participate
CF's will not be awarded until after the tournament is over
Combatants will not 'report' battles as normal
Requested By: DA Dalthid
Start Date: 10/3/2006
End Date: 1/1/2007
Unit in Competition: Entire DJB
Platforms: ACCLive!
Awards: *CF's; standard DB awarding (win 3; loss 1 1/3)
*ACC Armory Weapon to overall winner
CF's will not be awarded until after the tournament is over;
Combatants will not 'report' battles as normal; the staff will tally after the comp
Comments: The only 'battle days' are Saturday and Sunday for this competition
Run the Gauntlet
Will be posted on the news page.
Basically each clan must make it through with as many people as possible past 5 of the other clans....
You are allowed 9 Game losses
(best 2 out of 3 = 1 game loss)
Each clan you play you are allowed 3 game losses before your done with each one...when you hit 9 Game losses, you are completely done.
you can only play each person 3 times max
Will be held during the weekdays..since ICTE/SIT already have Crescents involved.
This competition will run till its over
Requested By: SBL Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir
Start Date: 9/25/2006
End Date: 9/25/2007
Unit in Competition: Entire DJB
Platforms: Jedi Academy, and Jedi Outcast
JA will run first, JO will run second
Awards: 1st level Crescents for Top 3 Individual people.
Top three clans, get a ground assualt prize....
Comments: Jac's aware of this, and has signed off.
All scores submitted through the database.
RoC rules apply, and enforced to the letter
18 medals awarded the last week
Malaki got awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star on 11/1/2006 (First Overall in the Scholae Palatinae Halloween Bonanza Event: Halloween Image Competition!
Braecen Kunar)
Lusankya got awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star on 11/1/2006 (Third Overall in the Scholae Palatinae Halloween Bonanza Event: Halloween Image Competition!
Braecen Kunar)
Malaki got awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star on 11/1/2006 (Second Overall in the Scholae Palatinae Halloween Bonanza Event: Halloween Horror Story!
Braecen Kunar)
Cethgus got awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star on 11/1/2006 (Third Overall in the Scholae Palatinae Halloween Bonanza Event: Halloween Horror Story!
Braecen Kunar)
Thran Occasus got awarded a Crescent with Sapphire Star on 11/1/2006 (First Overall in the Scholae Palatinae Halloween Bonanza Event: Halloween Trick or Treat List!
Braecen Kunar)
Prajna Berkana got awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star on 11/1/2006 (Second Overall in the Scholae Palatinae Halloween Bonanza Event: Halloween Trick or Treat List!
Braecen Kunar)
Cethgus got awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star on 11/1/2006 (Third Overall in the Scholae Palatinae Halloween Bonanza Event: Halloween Trick or Treat List!
Braecen Kunar)
Impetus got awarded a Legion of the Scholar on 11/1/2006 (First Overall in the Scholae Palatinae Halloween Trivia Special: #scholae IRC Trivia Round 1!
Braecen Kunar)
Malaki got awarded a Legion of the Scholar on 11/1/2006 (Second Overall in the Scholae Palatinae Halloween Trivia Special: #scholae IRC Trivia Round 1!
Braecen Kunar)
Prajna Berkana got awarded a Legion of the Scholar on 11/1/2006 (Second Overall in the Scholae Palatinae Halloween Trivia Special: #scholae IRC Trivia Round 2!
Braecen Kunar)
Cethgus got awarded a Legion of the Scholar on 11/1/2006 (Second Place Tie in the Scholae Palatinae Halloween Trivia Special: E-mail Trivia Spook-tacular Round 1!
Braecen Kunar)
Xen'Mordin Vismorsus got awarded a Legion of the Scholar on 11/1/2006 (Participatin in the process of trivia creation, hosting and moderation throughout the Scholae Palatinae Trivia Special! Thanks for making it a SPOOK-tacular day!
Braecen Kunar)
Prajna Berkana got awarded a Legion of the Scholar on 10/29/2006 (For creating trivia for the Scholae Palatinae Clan Trivia event - 10.27.2006 - E-mail version attached to Conclave Summary)
Impetus got awarded a Cluster of Fire on 10/29/2006 (ICTE 28/10/2006
1 win 2 losses)
Impetus got awarded a Cluster of Fire on 10/29/2006 (ICTE 28/10/2006
1 win 2 losses)
Impetus got awarded a Cluster of Fire on 10/29/2006 (ICTE 28/10/2006
1 win 2 losses)
Impetus got awarded a Cluster of Fire on 10/29/2006 (ICTE 28/10/2006
1 win 2 losses)
Tyno got awarded a Dark Cross on 10/28/2006 (Tyno is a great member. His focus has always been towards developing his character to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight and, to this day, I can say his focus has not wavered. He has over the past two months, been the active leader of his Battle Team, helping push competition, stimulate activity and worked alongside his Quaestor and Aedile to revive House Caliburnus. Tyno has also racked up an astronomical amount of Clusters of Fire for Multiplayer Gaming events, over 80 CFs in the month of October. This Journeyman has also held an impeccable presence on IRC, joining the Clan Channel nearly everyday of the week. He has participated in several of the Clan's Weekly Trivia events, meriting several Legions of the Scholar. Tyno competed and successfully won several Clan Naming Competitions. Also taking the time to display his writing prowess, Tyno has participated in the House Caliburnus Run-on.
Though, even as he completes these challenges... Tyno has maintained great activity on SWG (A DBPA: Darth Lord). Dakari, more than once, has told me
about Tyno's willingness to help DB members and his continued activity on the server. For his continued leadership, his activity and willingness to help SWG players (cough*Muz*cough) and being a vital, active member of Scholae Palatinae's continued success through his example and participation. There is irrefutable evidence that this member deserves this award for Activity, presence, and going above and beyond the call of duty. Excellent work, Jedi Hunter Tyno!
Braecen Kunar & Thran Occasus)
2 members promoted the last week
Persa got promoted to Apprentice on 10/28/2006
Kendo Mast got promoted to Novice on 11/2/2006
Rank Name
Dark Jedi Master Niemand "Duda" Machweg
Warlord Jeff Loruss
Battlelord Lusankya
Battlelord Desio Predator
Battlelord Vally Tamalar
Battlelord Maximus Raidoner Mandalore
Priest Impetus
Templar Morrigan Ryukossei Jade
Templar Jaysun Adumarii
Templar Voldemort
Templar Xan Be'lakor Azytzeen
Templar Phantom Mandalore
Warrior Xen'Mordin Vismorsus
Warrior Brujah Tamalar
Warrior Thran Occasus
Jedi Hunter Prajna Berkana
Jedi Hunter Tyno
Jedi Hunter Cethgus
Jedi Hunter Malaki
Jedi Hunter Zeron
Jedi Hunter Zeron
Guardian Arturius Tyr Klee
Guardian Jarith Krasa
Acolyte Aranas
Acolyte Ohika Ilob
Acolyte Val'kyr
Novice Kol Tatsu
Novice Kendo Mast
Apprentice Kalos Valedi
Apprentice Crassus
Apprentice dark wairror
Apprentice Scooby-Doo
Apprentice Persa
This week's member of the week is
Jedi Hunter Malaki for his participation in the Hallowe'en bonanza,
Congrats Malaki, you win absolutely nothing! :P
I think that's it,
Post in the Run-on people,
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