<head> <title>HSK AED Report</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> </head>
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News From the Front
Not really alot to report this week. Monthly evals are about to go up the chain so if youve done well this month look for that, if not then get busy this month we do reward activity. Also we have the Morroth description up on the DB Wiki now if your interested in that sort of stuff. Also hope you all had a safe and happy halloween.
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<font color="#000000">The Darwin Award</font>
I want to add this in with my reports every week as a testament to stupidity within the world at large, this weeks is:
In 1986 the UK saw its most violent storm in 350 years. Winds exceeded 90 mph, and an incredible amount of damage was done to property and people up and down the UK. Millions of trees were uprooted by the gales.
In Margate in the county of Kent, one unfortunate homeowner had a property bordered by three massive poplars. The wind had felled one, which came to rest across his back garden. Another poplar had been bent over just far enough to lodge its top under the soffit of his roof. The foliage was blocking his upstairs bedroom windows, and something had to be done.
This chap did not own a chainsaw, nor could he reach the trunk of the tree from the house, even when leaning out the window. So he decided to shinny up and saw off the top while sitting astride the trunk, with his feet wedged against the gutter of his roof. He had plenty of time to reflect on the wisdom of his position, as it took him 20 minutes of sawing before the bent tree, which experts estimate held the energy equivalent to small field gun--parted company with the portion trapped by the soffit, and sprang back upright.
His body was found in a neighbor's garden over a mile away. The police surgeon stated that his neck probably broke during the whiplash and he would therefore have known nothing of the impact with the ground.
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<font color="#000000">ACC Stuff </font>
None to report this week.
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<font color="#000000">Shadow Academy Graduates</font>
Raken passed HTML Basics and Advanced HTML!** Sunflash passed Marksmanship!**
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<font color="#000000">Competitions</font>
Title: [CP] Star Wars Quotes
Requested By: DJK Raken
Specifics: These can be from the movies, books, cartoons, or any official source.
Each week of November I will email out 5 quotes and the first person to email me back with the correct answers of who said them wins.
Start Date: 11/4/2006 End Date: 12/1/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
Platforms: Email
Awards: There will be 1st, 2nd, & 3rd places for 4th Level Crescents.
Comments: Some of them will be tricky. Remember, the first person with all the correct answers will win 1st, the next person 2nd, etc.
The quotes will come over the group mail, but ONLY REPLY TO ME at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Approved by PCON.
Title: [CP] Really Short Story Requested By: DJK Raken
Specifics: You sit atop a stool at the local watering hole. A boasting, and slightly drunk, man sits down next to you and regales you with his harrowing adventures while exploring Wild Space. He has no idea who you are or of your latent power in the Force so naturally continues to speak to you as if he is the Master of the Universe and you just a lowly grub lucky to bask briefly in his mighty presence.
You tire of listening to him try to impress everyone and decide to tell him a little story of your ownÂ…
In 1000 words or less, tell a story to this man that will put his ridiculous tale to shame. You may be boastful, use hyperbole, or flat out lie, but convince him with your words that you are the legend, not him.
Start Date: 11/4/2006 End Date: 12/1/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
Platforms: Word Processor, 12pt font, MAX 1000 Words Awards: 4th Level Crescents to the top three winners. Comments: Have fun with this. Send your stories to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Approved by PCON.
Title: A small matter of cargo...
Requested By: KAP Valerian Orzon
Specifics: Participants are to write a short story using the title "A small matter of cargo..." The style of writing used may either descriptive, narrative or argumentative.
Minimum Length: 3 page
Font and Size: Times New Roman, 12 pt Judging would be based on creativity and language use.
Start Date: 11/2/2006 End Date: 12/2/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
Platforms: Writing
Awards: Third level crescents
Comments: Approved by Clan Summit, awards will be given by CON/PCON
Title: Niman Master's Picture Competition
Requested By: GRD niman master
Specifics: People of Plaguies will use any form of picture making to make a picture of myself. Refer to my CS.
They will then email them to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] as a .jpg attachment. The top three pics will recieve cresents from Aabs.
Start Date: 10/28/2006
End Date: 11/10/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
Platforms: Graphics or Art
Awards: 4th Level Cresents
Comments: Aabsudu has approved this comp.
Title: A Small Mission...
Requested By: KAP Valerian Orzon
Specifics: Compose a fiction on a small mission or task your House Summit has sent you to complete. Keep in mind the limit of your abilities. This fiction should be approximately 2-3 pages in length (Times New Roman, 12pt).
Start Date: 10/25/2006
End Date: 11/5/2006
Unit in Competition: Clan Plagueis
Those ranked PRT and below only
Platforms: Fiction
Awards: Fourth Level Crescents
Comments: Crescents will be awarded by CON or PCON.
Competition has received CON approval.
And of course the Clan SA and ACC competitions.
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<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#0000FF" size="2">OP Daniel Stephens (Obelisk)/AED-EP/</font><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#FFFFFF" size="2">Satal Keto</font><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="6a020e" size="2"> <font color="#0000FF">of</font> </font><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="6a020e" size="2"><font color="#FFFFFF">Plagueis</font></font><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="6a020e" size="2"> <font color="#FFFF66">[PA: MD] [ACC: INI]</font></font><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="6a020e" size="2"> </font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="6a020e"><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">
<font size="1">**<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
sans-serif">GC / SC / StA-QL / DC / (BN) / Cr-3S-4E-4T-1Q / CF-BlF-RF-GF / SI / LSS / S:-3D</font></font></font></font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="6a020e"><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF">
</font> <font color="#FFFFFF" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica,
sans-serif"> {SA: U:TL - U:TW - U:TE - G:L - G:CM - G:LF - G:IRC - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:AIM - G:SC - G:AIC - G:MED - K:GS - K:POET - K:RO - O:CORE - O: MRK - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:AST - G:SB - G:TS - L:PRH - L:HS1} </font></font>**
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